FAQ Update Frequency

By cmabr002, in Rules questions & answers

How often do they release FAQ updates? I've only ever seen one version. I think there was one released in 2014 also right?

Google found me versions 1.1-1.7. They seem to be released around once a year lately. Last one was January '15 so I guess we are due for one.

Last one was January '15 so I guess we are due for one.

I hope so :)

@cmabr002 - what do you hope to see in the FAQ?

I hope to see a lot of the rulings we receive on these forums formalized for a few reasons:

1. Much easier to locate

2. They are official

3. I like rules :D

I also hope they explain the process of revealing cards from the encounter deck in greater detail, but I'm not holding my breath for that.

Edited by cmabr002

Maybe the next FAQ will ''repair'' hero Dori...

What do you want it to say?

Replace ''exhaust'' by ''ready''. ;)