UK Trading and lack of free time

By player1402297, in UFS Uk Forum

Evening all,

To cut a long story short, I am barely playing UFS anymore, only vaguely playing/contemplating Legacy. To those who understand, I started my training officially on October 1st, free time has very much gone out the window though I could not be happier! happy.gif

I am looking to trade my current block UFS cards, including incremental Tekken 6 set plus binder. Please contact for details. Please note trades will not be posted here so as to not violate terms of use.

I'll still see you all at the conventions. Team Patriot/B'stard has existed now through Raw Deal and UFS for over six years and still is very much alive, kicking bottom and taking names. We. Will. Not. Stop.


Hewittzil said:

free time has very much gone out the window

Dammit Matt, I just bought Dissidia as well!

Don't worry Ross just bring your PSP to the next major UFS event, because some of the Colchester group also play Dissidia. They dragged me into it too, now I have a level 100 Bartz.

On the topic of topic-ness, good luck with your training Matt, looking forward to the day you may return.