Hello everyone this is my first time posting and i have a few questions regarding items found in the cybernetic section and instead of several post i figured i would just lump them all together here
1 Do best quality subskin and cranial armor get the +1 AP as best quality armor from the protective gear section would?
2 Would the 1AP from a good quality bionic heart stack with the subskin armor as well as the worn armor?
3 Would the sprint talent from a good quality bionic heart stack with the sprint talent from a good quality set of bionic legs, what would that look like?
4 Does the bionic respiratory system stack with the respiratory filter implant
5 How do synthmuscle and bionic limbs interact would I still get the +10 strength from best quality bionic arms and unnatural strength 1 from the synthmuscle?
6 Could I get bionic eyes, baleful eyes, and an augur array all on the same character?
7 If I got four of bionic legs could i get the quadruped trait?
8 If I had four bionic arms could i use four one-handed weapons (with two-weapon wielder talent) or two two-handed (with two-weapon wielder talent)? How many of these could i could i hook up to a MIU if they'er ballistic weapons