A laundry list of cybernetic questions

By MrHatsForCats, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Hello everyone this is my first time posting and i have a few questions regarding items found in the cybernetic section and instead of several post i figured i would just lump them all together here

1 Do best quality subskin and cranial armor get the +1 AP as best quality armor from the protective gear section would?

2 Would the 1AP from a good quality bionic heart stack with the subskin armor as well as the worn armor?

3 Would the sprint talent from a good quality bionic heart stack with the sprint talent from a good quality set of bionic legs, what would that look like?

4 Does the bionic respiratory system stack with the respiratory filter implant

5 How do synthmuscle and bionic limbs interact would I still get the +10 strength from best quality bionic arms and unnatural strength 1 from the synthmuscle?

6 Could I get bionic eyes, baleful eyes, and an augur array all on the same character?

7 If I got four of bionic legs could i get the quadruped trait?

8 If I had four bionic arms could i use four one-handed weapons (with two-weapon wielder talent) or two two-handed (with two-weapon wielder talent)? How many of these could i could i hook up to a MIU if they'er ballistic weapons

My interpretations would be...

1. Not sure. Given how high armor can stack with those, I tend to lean towards 'no.'

2. Yes, in my opinion.

3. If you already have the talent, you can't have it twice. But if you lose one source of it, you can still use the other source (let's hope you didn't lose the heart, or you'll have bigger problems).

4. I say yes; it's basically stacking extra filtration units together to make sure things are clear.

5. Thinking about it, I'd say yes. The Synthmuscle applies to more than just the one limb, just like many activities actually use more than just a limb. I'd stack them there.

6. Yes. A Baleful Eye is just a las-weapon built into an already augmetic eye, so upgrading that should be fine. I also never thought the augur array replaced your eyes.

7. I'd say it is more complicated than that because you'd have to get more work done to be able to anchor multiple limbs properly. Figure out a 'centauroid torso' augmetic before adding extra legs.

8. See 7. for the problems with attaching extra limbs. That said, you could use two weapons with the two weapon wielder trait, regardless of the extra limbs involved. Any weapons with an MIU interface should be accessible with, provided you have the plugs I guess.

Cool thanks for the reply

1 Do best quality subskin and cranial armor get the +1 AP as best quality armor from the protective gear section would?

2 Would the 1AP from a good quality bionic heart stack with the subskin armor as well as the worn armor?

3 Would the sprint talent from a good quality bionic heart stack with the sprint talent from a good quality set of bionic legs, what would that look like?

4 Does the bionic respiratory system stack with the respiratory filter implant

5 How do synthmuscle and bionic limbs interact would I still get the +10 strength from best quality bionic arms and unnatural strength 1 from the synthmuscle?

6 Could I get bionic eyes, baleful eyes, and an augur array all on the same character?

7 If I got four of bionic legs could i get the quadruped trait?

8 If I had four bionic arms could i use four one-handed weapons (with two-weapon wielder talent) or two two-handed (with two-weapon wielder talent)? How many of these could i could i hook up to a MIU if they'er ballistic weapons

1. I would say no, since these are implants that give armor, but not armor.

2. Yes.

3. No. Having 2 times "ambidextrous" doesn't give anything else. Same for sprint.

4. I don't quite remember, fut if these are bonus, I would say yes, since the respiratory system does a first clean up, then the respiratory implants does a second one.

5. It would not interact. If the arm is replaced by a bionicle, there isn't synthmuscle anymore.

6. You would have one baleful eye, one bionic eye, and the augur array, but why not.

7. Heum...you could, but it is more than just putting 4 bionic legs, you would have to get a quadruped chassis and stuff...but if your character get enhanced to that point, why not. It's a GM's call at this point.

8. Tricky one. I would say that you could get the multiple arm traits, with what it implies. But as other said, same as no. 7: you must have special enhancements to let you have 4 arms on your torso. But again, why not. Your GM's call.

Well here are my answers

1. back in DH1, when they brought in Cranial Armor, the good quality gained +1AP

2. Yes

3. Nope on Talent stacking up, but maybe you could talk to your GM about allowing you to do more then 1 turn before taken taking Fatigue

4. I'm not sure they would, unless you plan on running Good or Best Quaiilty ones.. And even then I would ?? if you would get 2 check at +20 toughness or 1 check at +30/40 for extra hardware

5. I would say yes

6. Yes as other said they are "upgrades" on the eyes

7 & 8. Heretek huh???


Heretech have you seen some of those arch magos they got more attachments and doodads then you can shake a mechadendrite at.

Heretech have you seen some of those arch magos they got more attachments and doodads then you can shake a mechadendrite at.

Well you do have the Doc Ock, Arch Magos, but to be honest he sounded more like a combat pc who is trying to "CYBER" himself to the T . To gain advantages.