Co-Op Adventures

By AndrewH, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

My group's really been enjoying the co-op adventures, but they seem to be treated as a poor cousin to the main line (blister packs, no printed quest guides, etc). We tend to play them to the exclusion of the campaign, these days. Our only complaint is there's not enough of them.

What's the community's general reaction to the co-ops? Do many others share our opinions, or is co-op mostly a side-light? Do you think there's enough support for FFG to do a big-box co-op expansion?

I was about to start a thread with a small question, but It fits here.

If descent is a game for 2-5 players, and in the co-ops, of course, there is no OL, I wonder if can be played by 5 people, or the 4 hero limit persists. Just curious.

The co-ops are limited to 4 heroes.

It's probably caused by the fact that the number of monsters is only scaled for 2-4 heroes.

Edited by Winnetou19

Right. There can be up to 4 players controlling hero figures or a minimum of 1the player controlling 2 hero figures. In the case of Co-op, that still applies. Only difference is there is no OL player.

I see. Thanks to you both :)

I've just ordered the core game off Amazon and it should be getting here later today. I only just found out about these co-op adventures and now I'm wondering if it would be possible to make the whole game co-op. I assume it wouldn't just naturally integrate but could you do it somehow? For the most part, it'd just be me and one friend playing and I'd prefer all our adventures to be 2 hero co-ops rather than OL vs 1 hero.

I've just ordered the core game off Amazon and it should be getting here later today. I only just found out about these co-op adventures and now I'm wondering if it would be possible to make the whole game co-op. I assume it wouldn't just naturally integrate but could you do it somehow? For the most part, it'd just be me and one friend playing and I'd prefer all our adventures to be 2 hero co-ops rather than OL vs 1 hero.

It would have to be 1 OL vs at least 2 heroes (even if controlled by the same person,) but that's just a technicality.

If you're interested in making the whole game cooperative but still want to play the campaign, you should check out Redjak's automated OL variant.

It would have to be 1 OL vs at least 2 heroes (even if controlled by the same person,) but that's just a technicality.

If you're interested in making the whole game cooperative but still want to play the campaign, you should check out Redjak's automated OL variant.

My general "reaction" to the co-op adventures is that they are a nice alternative way to play Descent, but are vastly inferior to other co-op games in the genra. If you like to play solo then you would find additional interest in getting them to the table, though.

Edited by Indalecio