Toronto, Ontario organized play

By teddet, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Organized Play

Just wondering if there are any tournaments or leagues in the Toronto area? (Or GTA). Just got back into this, and would love to play more.

The Toronto scene is pretty sad overall for good games.

Would be nice if there was a bigger scene. We don't have any organized play sessions that I'm aware of but there are a few of us who meet up to play casually.

We tend to use FaceBook group to organize events. Just search for Toronto Star Wars LCG. Nice to meet you =)

I've actually just set up an event on March 5th. It's a chance for people to get out and play the less popular LCGs. is the link to sign up. I'll try to put together a Star Wars deck if anyone is planning on coming. Just note that you are planning on playing Star Wars when you sign up. I bought the game ages ago but never had a chance to play, would love to try it out.

There will also be people there demoing Conquest and Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn.