Are these new boards Mind-Numbingly Slow only for Americans?

By chicklewis, in CoC General Discussion

I'm getting pretty frustrated with the really slow response of these new boards. Feels like there is a soda-straw somewhere in the datastream connection between Spain and California. Is this problem any better for players in other countries. or is it sloooooooow for everyone?


The boards are pretty slow for me too and I live only about 5o miles from FFG's headquarters. Hopefully the situation will get better over time as the servers get tuned.

Even here in Italy the new boards feel sluggish.

I wonder if someone at FFG did take a bit too seriously RFC 2549 or RFC 4824

Austin, TX is in Spain!? O_o;

Seems like it has gone from a Unix/Apache based server to a Windows IIS7 based server. I think the problems stem from the forums running a graphically more heavy environment and the fact that before each subforum had a seperate database. As far as I can see from here ALL the forums for ALL the games run on the same database and application pool.

It's the same straw as before, but now we have to share it with a lot of people... :/

Verrrry slow here too, and I live in France.

Oh, are we having a discussion about how much these new boards suck? You know I'm already in. No bones about it, if they lose only me, it'll be a miracle.

It probably is slow for everyone if the forum's server is being swamped. Currently I have to wait about a minute before a forum page loads, which is heinously annoying.

Unbelievably slow here as well. In fact I don't bother to read the boards that much anymore. I'd say I read about 10% (and dropping) of all the new threads. That number used to be 100%.

I find speed varies tremendously - mid-day here (UK) yeaterday it was pretty smooth, but got gradually more and more sluggish through the afternoon and evening, but now (nearly 10AM) it's not bad at all.

Excellent point Bard. Games are made to be fun. This board is here for our game support. And the boards are just not fun. Like Bard, I would stay on the site until I had viewed all posts. Felt good to be up to date with the community. Now, after one thread, and possibly one post, I am out of game time. I have other fun things to do than labor through this piece of dirt experience. It's no wonder we hear nothing any more from FFG on smaller topics. This accused "rah rah cheerleader" has soured. And the ridiculous part is, I just got my new Ancient Horrors. I'm excited about that. But it has little bearing on what I write. A new card is spoiled by Marius, and instead here I write, this I write. I'm going to the old boards to talk to myself. Better than pulling my hair here. Sorry folks for my transformation.

Argonel said:

The boards are pretty slow for me too and I live only about 5o miles from FFG's headquarters. Hopefully the situation will get better over time as the servers get tuned.

Heck, I live less than that and I'm sluggish. Definately effects how often I stop in. Sometimes it's just not worth responding to threads!

i really think these boards have taken a step back. the last board was better in just about every way. maybe they should have made sure this was an actual improvement before forcing us to switch ships.

I almost missed this, it's last on the 'news' section, but it does suggest it's a known hardware problem - and we may see a fix in a few days or so...

"Published 02 December 2008

To our valued customers:

It has been just under two weeks since the launch of our new website, and we've appreciated all your comments, both bouquets and brickbats. We're using your suggestions to make the site the best it can be.

The main concern for most people has been the load times for pages, both on the game pages and on the forums. We have done all we can codewise, but with the large increase of visitors to our site, we are going to be upgrading our hardware. Look for faster surfing the FFG site next week.

We thank you very much for your patience and, as always, appreciate your support.

- Jeremy Stomberg"

Sure hope that's going to make a large and noticeable difference.

I just published a post and was bumped out to the main FFG forum page. I should be going to my post on that thread.

What is a brick bat anyway? Banging on the same old drum. Beating a dead horse. Stuck in the turn style. Full respect to Jeremy. Patience as new hardware is installed. All that acknowledged. The boards are slower than ever!!!!

I feel it is my duty to continue to complain. Squeaky wheel getting the grease is my hope.

I am severely disappointed. My post overwrites on itself at times. Post and get bounced to some other forum location. Just look at the quantity of posts on the new forum, puney. We're all disgusted (ok, some have heralded the change and are patient for repairs, acknowledged). But you are killing us. The boards are dieing out. There are only a handful of us bothering to post. No one is writing about the new AP ancient horrors. No spoilers are posted. My packs are gathering dust.

Don't send this to Christain. Whereas he should be pushing for repairs, I expect, for my complaining, he'll tell me we're better off without me.

there is like what maybe 5 of us still posting regularly???? maybe some of it has to do with the holidays, maybe not. and hardly any posts get to a second page anymore. i know we didnt post alot of different stuff before, but we atleast commented on the game and all. our off-topic area was always pretty dead. we have but one thread talking about a deck using cards from mountains of madness...... and like you mentioned next to nothing on the new pack. most of everything posted is new players asking questions.

Although I'm still waiting to see - after all, 'next week' written on the 2nd still leaves a few days to go - I'm concerned that there are so many problems with the new website, and it's not just the forums (although they seem to be disturbingly poorly implemented - forum tech isn't new, but these are slow, clunky, lacking basic functions like messaging, choosing styles and layouts... it's like stepping back in time!). Other links go nowhere useful, things can be extremely hard to find once they drop off the 'news' page - all told, it looks and feels far too amateur for a company like FFG, or the image they are hoping to convey.

Still, as I say, best part of the week to go so maybe things will get sorted out..... be a shame if they lose sales and the fanbase for their products because they cut costs and corners on their website.

Now boards are faster.

Still pretty antiquated, but faster.

Could be just a random variation, but the boards seem quicker this Tuesday morning, and yesterday when I tried to log in a got a message that the boards were being updated. Fingers are crossed that this is a trend and not an outlier.

looks like they fixed the speed issue, but they have a long way to go to making this board come close to the old one.

Yup, we're getting there. I'm really hoping that we see updates to a bunch of these usability issues as well.