Winter Tournament Results, Athena Games, Norwich, UK

By Zyge, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Hello people, here are the lists and their positions in the tournament we have just played at Athena Games. Hopefully provide some inspiration as I take inspiration myself from this site :)

1st Place (Chris)

Victory I - Tarkin (111)
Victory II - Overload Pulse (93)
Gladiator I - Demolisher, Ordnance Experts, Engine Techs, ACM (85)
Gladiator I - Insidious, Ordnance Experts, Engine Techs, ACM (78)
4 TIE Fighters (24)
Total 399
2nd Place (Ben)

MC80 Assault - Admiral Ackbar, Raymus Antilles, Boosted Comms, ECM (170)
MC30 Torpedo Frigate - Foresight, Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (72)
Corellian Corvette A - Tantive IV, Slaved Turrets, Leia Organa (56)
4 X-Wings (52)
Jan Ors (19)
Han Solo (26)
Total 395

3rd Place (Andy)

ISD II - Relentless, Tarkin, Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams, XI7 Turbolasers (173)
VSD II - XX-9 Turbolasers (90)
VSD II (85)
Howlrunner (16)
3 TIE Fighters (24)
TIE Interceptor (11)
Total 399
4th Place (Rustie)

ISD II - Relentless, Admiral Ozzel, ECM (150)
Gladiator I - Demolisher, Engine Techs (72)
Gladiator I - Insidious, Engine Techs (65)
Raider I (44)
Raider I (44)
IG88 (21)
Total 396

ISD II - Relentless, Heavy Turbolasers, SW7 Ion batteries, Redundant Shields, Gunnery Team (149)
Raider I - Admiral Ozzel, Rapid Reload (72)
Raider I - Rapid Reload (52)
Raider I - Rapid Reload (52)
Raider I - Rapid Reload (52)
Bossk (23)
Total 400

ISD II - Relentless, Vader, Heavy Turbolasers, Redundant Shields (173)
ISD II - Heavy Turbolasers, Redundant Shields (134)
8 TIE Interceptors (88)
Total (395)

ISD II (120)
VSD II - , Dominator, Tarkin, Defence Liaison, Enhanced Armament (148)Darth Vader (21)
Soontir Fell (18)
Major Rhymer (16)
Mauler Mithel (15)
TIE Advanced (12)
TIE Interceptor (11)
Total 361

That's the best I got, I understand a few upgrades must be missing from the lists but that's the best I can remember. Hope it provides some insight. Not sure of the positions of the last 3 chaps either

Best moment of the tournament was when a Insidious hyperspaced into a game (with Hyperspace Assault obviously) at round 4 and obliterated an ISD. A brave move as many would hyperspace in at the beginning of round 2.

Very interesting to see the winner had only 4 squads. How many players in tourney, and did the winner go against any squad heavy lists like a Fireball or the 4xwings jan han list?

Very interesting to see the winner had only 4 squads. How many players in tourney, and did the winner go against any squad heavy lists like a Fireball or the 4xwings jan han list?

Yes Chris, 1st beat 2nd in the final game. Unfortunately there were 7 players in the tournament (which involved someone having a bye) but it was a better turnout that the previous 3 tournaments. In a way, I am kinda glad I came 3rd.

Very interesting to see the winner had only 4 squads. How many players in tourney, and did the winner go against any squad heavy lists like a Fireball or the 4xwings jan han list?

Yes Chris, 1st beat 2nd in the final game. Unfortunately there were 7 players in the tournament (which involved someone having a bye) but it was a better turnout that the previous 3 tournaments. In a way, I am kinda glad I came 3rd.

Hey now, 2nd beat 1st! :D Me and Chris were tied on points after the last game I believe, so that even though I won our encounter & won 3-0 on the day, Chris took 1st on 2-1 due to his stonking MoV from earlier on (10-0, 10-0).

But to answer Chriscook, yep, my Jan Ors, 4xX and Han Solo did a pretty good number on Chris's overload VSD. After a couple of rounds of activation from Ackbar, they went for the time-honored bugs-on-a-windshield technique, and chewed through pretty well... If their rolls had been a bit better they would have been able to break off and attack his final gladiator, which would have pushed me over the line I think. Han rolled one hit on a ship all game long, I seem to recall!

I'd say that my mc30, Foresight, was my ship of the match for me; it tied up both gladiators for the whole game, dooming one and leaving the other a bit beaten up. It's a lot of fun to fly, and TLR and foresight with Ackbar makes it a serious proposition at range and a demon up close. If I can afford it, I might even splash on a second one for a Rieekan list.

Awesome day of gaming with top people, what more can you ask for?

Edited by banjobenito