Like to ask some advice from you all
I'm about to run a Rogue Trader game and as GM am offering certain perks to various PC's (Some have inherited powerful heirlooms, another got a unique cybernetic implant etc) but the one I would like some advice on is the Unnantural Willpower for a Rogue Psyker.
To put it simply the way the player and I see it, the Rogue Psyker will be a stereotypical Super-Talented psyker but not necessarily the best Trained or even inclined to train psyker.
In other words they mainly get an initial psy-rating from Origin with maybe the Alternate Pysker Rank at Rank 3 and it goes without saying that if they start being Obvious with their talent even with certain other PC's (The Missionary for example) they get sent on voyage on a black ship.
I've read on this forum that Unnatural Willpower is unbalancing for Psykers but I was curious about how it would be paired with a Rogue Psyker with limited growth potential & unable to use it openly or use obvious powers (Force Bolt etc).
On the other hand this would help them hide their abilities (they get to shut out mind reading inquisitors) and when they do use it, they would likely succeed.
So thoughts?