Defiance extra die on activated enemy ship(s).

By Kiwi Rat, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

If Defiance has a double arc on an enemy activated ship.

Or has two enemy activated ships on its left and right side.

Do you get one extra die for each attack on a activated enemy ship???

Or is it only one attack that can get 1 extra die???

The card is:

"While attacking a ship that has already activated this round, add 1 die of any color to your attack pool."

While attacking allows it to happen during the specified trigger, but only once per trigger.

Each ship has two "Attacks" a Turn, and if both "Attacks" are against the same Target, because you are Double Arcing, or against two targets that have both activated, then you will get your Bonus die on each attack, but only one die on each.

Edited by Drasnighta

And one again I want to say how much I like Defiance plus leading shots