OK, so being a fan of the Old World setting for Warhammer as well as a "buy all the war packs!" sort of player of 40k Conquest, I decided to try out this whole Warhammer Invasion thing, and surprise, surprise, it was really fun. That being said, I can't afford to fill out a complete set for Invasion and keep up with Conquest, especially since picking up Dragon Shields has this tendency to double the cost of all my LCG purchases. So, if I were going to spend $80 on expansions for 1 Warhammer Invasion Core (in the near future, maybe more between Conquest cycles), and I wanted to be able to have fun, casual games with particularly interesting decks for Empire, High Elves, and Chaos amongst the factions, what would you reccomend?
My thinking was:
$25: Assault on Ulthuan
$20: Legends
$11 The Imperial Throne
$7.5: The Inevitable City
$10: Realm of the Phoenix King
Total: $73.50
So is that a good plan for a playable set? Are there better purchases? Is my budget just too small? Thanks for any help!