I've got a question about combat which sounds really simple, but unfortunately I cannot gleam from the video tutorial or instructions what should happen! Note that I've tried to post this on CardgameDB.com but unfortunately either something has gone wrong or it's not been moderated yet, as it hasn't appeared.
- The Sith player has declared vaders TIE advanced as an attacker which has 1 unit damage, 1 blast damage and 3 HP, and nothing was changed with the reaction draw on the card that you have to do
- The Jedi player has declared a believer in the old ways as a defender which is enhanced by a Jedi Lightsaber. This gives them 2 unit damage, 2 blast damage and 2 HP.
Can someone tell me how this combat resolves please? In my mind if the Sith wins the edge battle they attack first but have to attack the defender, knocking down the believer to 1 HP. The Jedi then attacks and does 2 damage to the TIE leaving them with 1 HP. If the Jedi wins the edge battle exactly the same happens just in the opposite order.
I'm basing this on a combat system comparative with MTG, but the instructions here are confusing me - according to the rule book a player can do the damage in whatever order they choose, so would the TIE be able to do its blast damage BEFORE its unit damage? If it does the unit damage first does it then do the blast damage AS WELL as the unit damage even though there's a defender in the way that's still alive? In a similar case what if the TIE only had 2 HP then won the edge battle could it do the blast damage first, as logically the Believer card would then do 2 unit damage to the TIE killing it?
The example given in the manual is a bit rubbish, as in their cases the attacker always kills the defender outright before the combat goes any further, which doesn't cover my scenario.
Combat resolution
When a unit focuses to strike, it resolves all of it's relevant combat icons (i.e. All of the black icons and the white icons as well if you have the edge, but not blast icons if you're defending). In your example, Vader's TIE would get to resolve both its unit damage and blast icons whichever order you choose. Sometimes the order will be important, though in your example it isn't so much. Then, the Believer will strike and resolve its unit damage icons. It does not get to resolve its blast damage icons because it is defending.
After all units are done striking, you check for unopposed. If there is at least 1 surviving attacker and no defenders, you deal an extra damage to the objective. In this case, there is a surviving attacker, but there is also a defender so no unopposed bonus will be dealt.
Thought it would be simple, sounds like I was over-complicating it!
Just one more question along this line. If I have a 'trust your feelings' enhancement on the believer does that mean I can defend twice (assuming neither card already has a focus token)? So I attack the TIE with the believer, put the focus token on the trust your feelings card then attack with the believer again? Same applies with attacking really - presumably if I am allowed to do this then they would be classed as separate strikes and the dark side player would get to attack in between the two attacks?
Yep, trust your feelings will allow for an additional strike within the engagement if you'd like. Trust Your Feelings is an Action and can be used in any Action Window. See the flow chart in the back of the rule book for details of exactly where Action Windows are. (In general, knowing that flow chart answers lots of questions, especially about timing, when the main text of the rules is sometimes written informally and isn't as precise).
Fantastic, thanks very much for your help!