Okay, so this came up in a game and I wasn't sure how to answer so I decided to go with a yes then for the moment and get some help because I cannot figure it out. #Isadunce
What is the differences between the different types of weapon categories: Basic, Melee, Pistol.
I know the obvious differences in how things apply but the minor ones I'm having a hard time with.
I'll use what happened in the game as an example. Scum Hiver has a Las pistol, cant use it so he tosses it to the feral assassin. The assassin has a Basic Las training but not a Pistol Las training. Does she still take the penalty? I reduced the penalty by half because I felt "basic" meant "enough not to shoot yourself but not enough to be well proficient"
What is the real answer I should have given?
So in essence my problem is how does Basic X Training correlate to things that overlap with Melee X and Pistol X training when they are the same type of training as stated in the above example.
((PS Sorry I know this is really awkwardly written but I don't know how to better explain the question I have.))