Play CoC online at GCCG!

By Marcos7, in CoC General Discussion

Tommi Ronkainen (creator of GCCG: ) and I (just a fan with almost none knowledge about programming :P ), are developing a cthulhu client for GCCG, anyone interested in playing online, there is already a server up. What do you need to do (if you are a windows user):

1- Download and install tortoise SVN
2- Go to MyPC, do a right click and select the option "SVN checkout". A little window should open
3- You should have 2 options: "URL of repository" and "checkout directory"
directory= c:gccg-svn
then "OK"
4- It should ask for a user/ password: ccg/gcc
5- To get graphics repeat step 2 and 3, but use the following URL:
and use a different directory, the one you like.
6- Cut the graphics folder and paste it at your new "gccg/graphics/cthulhu" folder
7- run GCCG with the file Cthulhu.bat

The interphase is very easy to learn and is really enjoyable for any ccg. It is most used for Middle Earth ccg, but there are also active servers of Mtg, Pokemon, LOTR and Netrunner, and also CoC now ;)

Give it a try!
any question, i'm here to help, just let me know :)


What is wrong with using Lackey which already has a well supported and up to date plugin module for it?

there is nothing wrong with lackey, but with GCCG you can watch other people's games, chat even if you are not playing, etc... Its a more personal relationship between the players than just enter and play

It's hard enough to get players to play CoC online so it doesn't help to suggest another game engine, we need to unify the players imho. I believe you can watch other peoples games in Lackey as well.

i agree about unifying players, that is what MECCG players have done. Everyone playing online uses GCCG... I think it is worth to give a try

I just downloaded GCCG and I must say that the Lackey interface is much nicer. However, I have not been able to watch games in Lackey, but perhaps I am missing something.

Lackey seems much nicer but I see very few CoC people on it. If we could merge the playerbase onto it, that would be great.

I've played a lot of games using Lackey, and I must say that it's fantastic. If you guys get some kind of a league going, I'm in.

I might be in too, depending on the rules used.

Hurdoc said:

I just downloaded GCCG and I must say that the Lackey interface is much nicer. However, I have not been able to watch games in Lackey, but perhaps I am missing something.

Lackey seems much nicer but I see very few CoC people on it. If we could merge the playerbase onto it, that would be great.

cthulhu client for GCCG is under development, so we need anyone interested to come in, and play to make it better.