Humorous or Serious Quests?

By hyperdeathkitty, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Basically I am asking if you like serious quests, or humorous quests, as stated very blatantly in the title. I enjoy the humorous ones because they set a different tone for the entire game than serious. In humorous quests I always want to keep moving through every door just to hear the area descriptions. I am currently making a very humorous quest. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy humorous. Sort of.

P.S.: I can write better for Descent quests than I can at school or on forums. Odd.

i say both are good. on the one hand humorous ones are a good break from the normal.

on the other hand serious ones seem to have more of a adventure type feeling to them, therefor makes the game worth playing because that is the genre.

You can also introduce humorous elements in an otherwise serious quest. In my first stint as OL a couple of weeks ago, I added a "?" marker in the second room of the 1st basic Descent quest. The heroes sent the big warrior of the group, Varikas the Dead, to activate it, because they weren't sure about what would happen. When he did, I gave him a mysterious envelope. He opened it, and found... A domino's pizza order sheet so we could order dinner! partido_risa.gif

Our usual OL Patmox pulled the trick of making me discover a gold chest in RTL while we weren't even in the gold age, making me think, "What the...?#!&?" When I opened it, he handed me a gift from the whole team: they had remembered I had my birthday a couple of days before! Finding a real gift in a game chest was a really cool, totally unexpected experience! happy.gif

There is a lot of funny stuff you can do with Descent.