Hi everyone!
Here I decided to ask for your help on making a little control deck.
My main faction is Hastur (those little guys that drive you insane), and the purpose was to try and getting all your opponents creatures into insanity status by using combos such as Scotophobia / Victoria's Loft / Brain Transplant, while trying to control the table with Power Drain and Performance Artist (counter effects) ;Ghost,Demon Lover and Byakhee Servant to try and block initial rushes.
My problem is the opponents characters with Willpower. What cards are there within the Hastur faction to help deal with that problem? What about in other factions with reasonable costs?
Can you help me out? This is a sketch of the deck, nothing much:
3x Scotophobia
3x Victoria's Loft
3x Brain Transplant
3x Power Drain
3x Performance Artist
3x Ghost
3x Demon Lover
3x Byakhee Servant
2x Victoria Glasser , the Society Hostess
1x Thing from the Stars (Just for the cost reduction ability!)
27 Cards Total up until now
What words of wisdom can you share with me?