why is RT so !"§§%$ unbalanced?
i´m a video pc gamer and i also play magic the gathering. this game seems to me really unbalanced! like the full automatic weapons.
a lvl 1 arch-militant could buy a bolt gun and could deal up to 400%+ more damage(with tearing and +2dmg of the special talent of the AM) while using full automatic. compared to a melee weapon player like the missionary with his chain sword, he can do max 100% dmg and he have to move to the target.
i dont get it... why should a char with a full auto weapon be up to 400%+ better then any melee specified class. i mean off course its more logic to get more degree off suXess
and do more dmg wile but its still a game and not a simulation. the hole book seems to me beta... like the weapons, they are not balanced.
sure the game is not only fight but its a very big part of it and a fight with weapons witch are usable with lvl 1 and have soo much more dmg or degree of hit are just not fair. i would say ok there are hundreds of weapons but its nooot...
it feels like they have never played balanced game.
is there any reasonable way to describe why specially full auto weapons are so much better?
is there a balance mod already? if not we would start one cause its necessary.
and sorry for my bad english
I´ll be happy about every opinion
have a nice day
so long xantos