This subforum is dedicated to the Emperor's Decree pre-release event for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.
The Emperor's Decree pre-release event will be held November 13th - 15th at venues across the United States and around the world.
Click this link to see the list of participating venues, and find a store near you that will be among the first to experience Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay!
The Emperor's Decree pre-release event will give you a firsthand look at the complete Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Core Set, as well as put you through an adventure that will teach you everything you up to speed and ready to run your own WFRP campaign as soon as the Core Set arrives in stores!
If you're interested in attending the event, let your fellow forumites know – perhaps you can adventure together.
For those attending the event, either as a participant or as one of the demo volunteers, please share your experiences with us. I look forward to seeing photos and video from the event and reading recaps and session reports from the event.