Blank Strategy cards?

By Chav, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

Hey there

I have been searching for blank versions of the strategy cards, so that you can house rules these and have the changes at hand all time.

Mainly i would like the 8th card, we are using red tape but for political play we use the one where there are 2 public political cards to vote for (and not the one where you have a hand) and the red tape does not work that well with that.

But if the others exist, it would be great to have them, just in case. My google-fu have failed me, but i cant warp my head around that such things isnt out there.

Thanks in advance

Edited by Chav

Maybe needs a bit of fiddling about in paint or some such program a bit but the framework is there.

I was hoping someone had them, whit the background and no text. It just looks more cool that way. I have no idea how to remove just the text without also removing the background. But if nobody have it, thats what i will need to do.

I don't know of any such blanks, but it shouldn't be too difficult to remove the text in Photoshop without screwing up the background too much, just making the pattern in the background a little blurry and disjointed, but your not going to look that that hard at them during a game anyway.

My skills at such things really suck. Was at my uncles place today, he did what you described for me with card 8, think with what he showed me i can do that.


Yeah, that's kind of where I am at. I now have a decent grasp of WHAT Photoshop can do, but am still a little iffy on HOW to make it do it.

One can always mark a backgroundpart without text and then copy paste paste paste paste...

I'm pretty sure the way to do it is use the ...magic wand tool?... to select all of the text and then use "Context Sensitive Fill" to fill that area with a pattern similar to the background. Where to find those tools and what settings they should have however...

Actually, what we really need is a Twilight Imperium plug in for Strange Eons. Its a custom card creator program. A bunch of people use it over on the X-Wing forums to create cards for their own, made up pilots or for obscure ships from the Star Wars EU. That would require someone a lot more knowledgeable about photoshop and computer coding and the like though.

I would build a template in layers.

1) Start by finding an SC with little text, select a box of the background pattern, as much as you can without including any text.

2) copy/paste that pattern on the bottom layer of your photoshop image, large enough to cover an entire SC

3) use magic wand to select the border of any particular SC (leaving holes in the text boxes)

4) paste the border onto the top layer

5) fiddle with hue/saturation to make the border layer match whichever SC colour you're making a homebrew of.

6) Use a third layer for text, so you can easily re-position/edit it as you go.

7) when ready, flatten the image and print it out. Save the layered image in case you want to fix anything.

If you want a good copy of strategy cards (or any components for the game for that matter) to work from to create your own you should download the Vassel module for TI3. .VMOD files can be opened using winzip, inside you will find all the art assets for the game.

Like Steve already mentioned, than its a matter of splitting it up into layers spending as much time as you like on getting the quality you desire. I spend about 2.5 minutes on one just to see how hard it was using Paint.Net and it was pretty simple even for a clumsy fool like me. Example of 8 Strategy Card

Good Luck