Hi there!
A lot of questions about this game
1. Character specials
a) Callidus Assassin / Evade / Evasion
As I understood- before combat rolls player may split enemy pile into two and not to fight with one of those (Evading one, but fighting the other). But he cannot fight the "evaded" enemies in the same turn. Right?
Can player still pick up items / strangers etc if evading in his turn?
b) Canoness
Player can add 1 card from any threat deck to his space. Works as all other threat cards, right? If its event it resolves first, before actual engagement phase? Seems weird, because you draw card before combat, but it can delay it...
c) Commissar
(Same question for Ordo Malleus Inquisitor) "Instead of resolving movement phase..." Can player roll movement dice, look where he can go, then teleport if he chooses? Or he must declare that he will be teleporting without rolling movement? "Resolving" means to start and end, if player rolls dice, but doesnt move he techincly havent resolved movement yet, so he should be able to teleport?
"Take any stranger encounters.. the cards ability cannot be used". Basicly these cards work as charges for his "Sacrifice ally or stranger to gain 6-roll. Do they count towards asset limit? All it states is - they have no bonuses.
d) Eversor Assassin
Life from level-ups counts towards maximum life, right? he exceeds 12.. It seems his "loose 1 health to gain extra roll" is op, since he can just go heal, or he loses 1 maximum life?
e) Sanctioned Psyker
"At the start of experience phase draw power card". Does experiene always hapens? Even if you loose a battle? Does i happens in Inner tier? Does it hapen in scenario space?
In each game(-1, psyker character havent won once!) psyker wins because he just keeps drawing power cards every turn. even while in inner tier, and battling scenario. Please atleast say that in confrontation he doesnt get to draw card.. please?
2. Mechanics
a) Battle ties, skill test ties
If you tie in battle, you dont loose hp, but you dont gain trophy either. And you cant resolve ecounters and pick up items "behind" enemy.Effects with win and loose doesnt proc either. right?
If you tie in skill test, you pass? We have been playing like that...
b) Enemy and text box
After killing enemy, can't player resolve the text box on that space?
c) 1-roll
Rolling a 1 on skill test fails the test whatever score you have.(Rule doesnt exist in combat right?) If a player roll explodes, does the 1-roll in the next roll fails the test? We played with houserulled " **** no! ". Were we right?
I had a lot more question when i started to write all this... but i forgot.... i hope ill remember them later on..
Edited by Scryter