Questions - mechanics/rules/characters

By Scryter, in Relic

Hi there!

A lot of questions about this game :)

1. Character specials

a) Callidus Assassin / Evade / Evasion

As I understood- before combat rolls player may split enemy pile into two and not to fight with one of those (Evading one, but fighting the other). But he cannot fight the "evaded" enemies in the same turn. Right?

Can player still pick up items / strangers etc if evading in his turn?

b) Canoness

Player can add 1 card from any threat deck to his space. Works as all other threat cards, right? If its event it resolves first, before actual engagement phase? Seems weird, because you draw card before combat, but it can delay it...

c) Commissar

(Same question for Ordo Malleus Inquisitor) "Instead of resolving movement phase..." Can player roll movement dice, look where he can go, then teleport if he chooses? Or he must declare that he will be teleporting without rolling movement? "Resolving" means to start and end, if player rolls dice, but doesnt move he techincly havent resolved movement yet, so he should be able to teleport?

"Take any stranger encounters.. the cards ability cannot be used". Basicly these cards work as charges for his "Sacrifice ally or stranger to gain 6-roll. Do they count towards asset limit? All it states is - they have no bonuses.

d) Eversor Assassin

Life from level-ups counts towards maximum life, right? he exceeds 12.. It seems his "loose 1 health to gain extra roll" is op, since he can just go heal, or he loses 1 maximum life?

e) Sanctioned Psyker

"At the start of experience phase draw power card". Does experiene always hapens? Even if you loose a battle? Does i happens in Inner tier? Does it hapen in scenario space?

In each game(-1, psyker character havent won once!) psyker wins because he just keeps drawing power cards every turn. even while in inner tier, and battling scenario. Please atleast say that in confrontation he doesnt get to draw card.. please?

2. Mechanics

a) Battle ties, skill test ties

If you tie in battle, you dont loose hp, but you dont gain trophy either. And you cant resolve ecounters and pick up items "behind" enemy.Effects with win and loose doesnt proc either. right?

If you tie in skill test, you pass? We have been playing like that...

b) Enemy and text box

After killing enemy, can't player resolve the text box on that space?

c) 1-roll

Rolling a 1 on skill test fails the test whatever score you have.(Rule doesnt exist in combat right?) If a player roll explodes, does the 1-roll in the next roll fails the test? We played with houserulled " **** no! ". Were we right?

I had a lot more question when i started to write all this... but i forgot.... i hope ill remember them later on..

Edited by Scryter

1. Character specials

a) Callidus Assassin / Evade / Evasion

As I understood- before combat rolls player may split enemy pile into two and not to fight with one of those (Evading one, but fighting the other). But he cannot fight the "evaded" enemies in the same turn. Right?

Can player still pick up items / strangers etc if evading in his turn?

b) Canoness

Player can add 1 card from any threat deck to his space. Works as all other threat cards, right? If its event it resolves first, before actual engagement phase? Seems weird, because you draw card before combat, but it can delay it...

c) Commissar

(Same question for Ordo Malleus Inquisitor) "Instead of resolving movement phase..." Can player roll movement dice, look where he can go, then teleport if he chooses? Or he must declare that he will be teleporting without rolling movement? "Resolving" means to start and end, if player rolls dice, but doesnt move he techincly havent resolved movement yet, so he should be able to teleport?

"Take any stranger encounters.. the cards ability cannot be used". Basicly these cards work as charges for his "Sacrifice ally or stranger to gain 6-roll. Do they count towards asset limit? All it states is - they have no bonuses.

d) Eversor Assassin

Life from level-ups counts towards maximum life, right? he exceeds 12.. It seems his "loose 1 health to gain extra roll" is op, since he can just go heal, or he loses 1 maximum life?

e) Sanctioned Psyker

"At the start of experience phase draw power card". Does experiene always hapens? Even if you loose a battle? Does i happens in Inner tier? Does it hapen in scenario space?

In each game(-1, psyker character havent won once!) psyker wins because he just keeps drawing power cards every turn. even while in inner tier, and battling scenario. Please atleast say that in confrontation he doesnt get to draw card.. please?

2. Mechanics

a) Battle ties, skill test ties

If you tie in battle, you dont loose hp, but you dont gain trophy either. And you cant resolve ecounters and pick up items "behind" enemy.Effects with win and loose doesnt proc either. right?

If you tie in skill test, you pass? We have been playing like that...

b) Enemy and text box

After killing enemy, can't player resolve the text box on that space?

c) 1-roll

Rolling a 1 on skill test fails the test whatever score you have.(Rule doesnt exist in combat right?) If a player roll explodes, does the 1-roll in the next roll fails the test? We played with houserulled " **** no! ". Were we right?

I had a lot more question when i started to write all this... but i forgot.... i hope ill remember them later on..


a: Yep, can't fight those you evade, but can pick up stuff, assuming you didn't lose to another Enemy you did choose to fight.

b: Normal card, really helps her level up in a hurry.

c: Either roll or teleport, if you roll, you move via said roll, can't teleport. Commissar has no limit on the Strangers and they don't count against any limit.

d: No, he can use and go heal up, he'll almost always roll 2 dice.

e: Some Encounters I think have to you skip the rest of your turn if you fail what it says on the card, but otherwise, you'll have an Experience Phase every turn, even Inner Tier.


a: Battles, yes, tie means your Engagement Phase ends, though you still will have an Experience Phase (unless something causes you to miss a turn). Skills, equal is enough to succeed.

b: Yep, some Threat cards can be used to annoyingly deny access to some key text box spaces by placing the card(s) on the space.

c: Initial roll is the one that matters IIRC.

Great thanks!

One more -

X when drawing threat cards do you draw only the amount specified (2 red seals = 2 red cards) no matter what they are?

you should right? (meaning if you step on 2 red seals and draw 2 assets you just pick up them up and exploration ends and engagement doesnt start.)

when we played we kept drawing till we have atleast 1 enemy or event.

someone said that "there must be an enemy or event", is there such rule? so someone isnt able just to get free stuff too easily?

i cant find such a rule in the rulebook..

edit: more -

X can you choose not to pick up asset thats on your space?

X when cards are removed?

"After resolving an encounter, it remains on his space unless specified otherwise."


Forgotten Portal - how it is used?


Edited by Scryter

someone said that "there must be an enemy or event"


can you choose not to pick up asset thats on your space?

No, you take all the assets (even if this action makes you exceed your current asset limit) and discard the excess cards during the 3rd step of the Experience phase.

when cards are removed?

"After resolving an encounter, it remains on his space unless specified otherwise."


Forgotten Portal - how it is used?

A Forgotten portal (just like the majority of Encounters) remains on the space where it was drawn unless a text box on that space (like Webway portal) explicitly says to remove any remaining cards at the end of the turn.

If you start your Movement phase on either the Webway portal space or a space with a Forgotten portal Threat card, you can:

a. freely move to the Webway portal space or any other space with a Forgotten portal Threat card,

b. roll dice for movement / substitute your movement roll with a Power card as usual.

Suprise suprise - more questions.

About inner tier and scenario space and power card substitutions-

in inner tier there are 7 spaces.

first 3 make you roll d6 and do whats told.

next 3 are skill tests - so you can use power card substitutions and die explode works, right?

last one is level test - can you use power card substitution here, since level is not a skill, but rather a atribute? and i assume die explodes?


As the rulebook states, you can only substitute movement , battle or skill test rolls with power cards (p. 14, Playing Power cards). Thus, skill tests in the Inner region can be substituted and can explode.

Any other space that demands rolling a die and consulting a chart for the results (like spaces 2-4 in the Inner region, or the corner spaces) do not let you use power cards to substitute the roll.

A hero's level is not an attribute (p. 6, Attributes), so you cannot use Power cards on the last space of the Inner region either.

A hero's level is not an attribute (p. 6, Attributes), so you cannot use Power cards on the last space of the Inner region either.

This is actually incorrect:

"#1: Maze of Tzeentch space on the Inner Tier has the character make a Test, using his level instead of an attribute. Can you use a Power card's number instead of rolling the die?

"1) Yes. As this is just another form of skill test, power numbers may be used as a substitute die roll."

Well, thanks for clarification. I was just strictly following the rulebook wording.

I would love to argue how level isnt skill.... but later in corebook it neatly jumps from "skill" to "attribute".

thank you for your information.

it now makes a bit of sense since those tests must be skill test in order for a roll to explode.


edit- next questions:

can canoness pull threat card of any deck EVEN while in non-threat icon space? blocking stuff if she fails the battle?

what hapens if there are enemies on guardian textbox space, can you use your remaining points to enter iner tier or you cannot?

in nemesis expansion there are 2 relics using statement "at the start of each of your turns" - meaning your turn starts and you use effect once, right?

there are 2 missions using statement "ocupy the same space as your target at any time during your turn"

does it count if player passes his target by moving? or do you have to start or end movement on the specific space?

Edited by Scryter

Hello, I will put my quest about nemezis expansion if you dont mind Scryter :)

Can nemesis fight with eachother? Or only with agents of the Imperium? Because its stupid for me that khorne berserker could not hunt dire avanger.

Edited by BurnMaster

Hello, I will put my quest about nemezis expansion if you dont mind Scryter :)

Can nemesis fight with eachother? Or only with agents of the Imperium? Because its stupid for me that khorne berserker could not hunt dire avanger.

I would say with agents of imperium and other human players but not nemesis, because:

"When a nemesis participates in a battle, the battle form always matches the nemesis’ attribute type."

if 2 nemesis would fight, what atribute would you use? one of them would have 0.

when nemesis looses batle , the are rewards for beating him, they usually are non-nemesis character based rewards (influence,wargear etc) which are not usable for other nemesis..

i do not have definite answer, hovewer id say no, since it makes many, many... many questions.