Armada Online: FaceBook group for remote play using Vassal

By thanosazlin, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Hi all,

I recently started an online FB group dedicated to Vassal and Armada.

After i bought the Armada box set around May 2015 (thus thrusting myself into Armada fever), I discovered Vassal and the Armada module when myself and a best friend wanted to play, but found ourselves living 1500 miles apart ! Our solution was Vassal and the Armada module, but you still need to have all the necessary ship, squadron, and upgrade cards as the cards in the Vassal module have had the text removed for copyright purposes.

I try to get to my local gaming shop at least 1x a week to play Armada but as you know life sometimes gets in the way. With Vassal you can save game progress and even email game progress if you can't finish a match in a single sitting.

Also, i think it is quite awesome to be able to venture out from your local gaming store area/hub and challenge folks from another state or country to build your skills and strategy.

On the FB group you will find a pinned post for a PDF starter guide on how to load Vassal and the Armada Module to start playing. i hope everyone finds the group useful and makes great connections to play some remote Armada matches across states, countries, and galaxies ;) !

Download for the Vassal application

Download for the Armada Module

Edited by thanosazlin

Link doesn't work - says link broken / page removed?

Edit: The facebook link that is.

Edited by BiggsIRL

Link doesn't work - says link broken / page removed?

Edit: The facebook link that is.

Ok try now, not sure what happened, i just copy and pasted it, i had to play around with the forum post editor. i have to take off https:// then in the forum editor highlight just the rest and turn it into a link with http. then it worked but it still redirects you to https, i don't get that.

Thanks. Works fine for me now. Request sent!

Excellent idea! Joined!

Wow how did I miss this!!!

Just requested to join!

I've signed up on the FB page as well.

Being in the midst of somewhat rural Minnesota, this hopefully will be a good option for getting in a game from time to time.

If anyone is up for it, be great to give it a try sometime. Get in touch!

Id love to try this out since I often have hard times getting a game arranged in real life.

Dont know anything about vassal and a beginner at Armada though so would need some well hearted person with patience to lead me into this.

Id love to try this out since I often have hard times getting a game arranged in real life.

Dont know anything about vassal and a beginner at Armada though so would need some well hearted person with patience to lead me into this.

yep i'm usually game during the week or weekend around 8pm EDT. i just have to get past the holiday hump of vacation, still away from home.

I will totally join the fun very soon after having seen the amazing effort that is the Vassal World Cup!

Just need an evening or two to get the app set-up on my MAC and get familiar with the interface.

hey i would love to play but i don't have Facebook. Any other way i can get information about when you guys play? timezone etc.
