Hey, has anyone tried porting a Ratling into a DH2 game? I haven't GM'd a game (or even played!) yet so I am unsure about balancing issues.
If we get rid of Regiment creation rules, they pretty much can be taken strait from the book; they have one extra talent and two fewer skills than the average DH2 player before XP which I figure might even out. What they miss out on are bonuses. Also, they recieved 300 fewer XP points during character creation in OW. Should I keep this? Or did that only make sense because of benefits in that system.
Although that is really only for an ex-IG ratling. I was thinking another route would be to deconstruct the Ratling class, and have a character creation (restricted though, no sanctioned psykers or Techpriests, for ex.) with an "elite advance" at the end. I love the idea of a smarmy little fink working as a low-hive medicae, skimming and watering down drugs for the black market. Selling the patients extra painkillers because the ones they were rationed were watered down. Making the corpse-starch they serve at the caf taste good somehow--so good that the night shift supervisor is loathe to report him.
What do you guys think?
PS. I know it's uncommon to see Ratlings in the Imperium outside of their own worlds and the IG, but I want my made-up sector to have a lot of Ratling diaspora. I just can't get enough of the little bastards!