Anyone in LA wanna play??

By GalaxyUC, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

I have been GM'ing this game for a few years on and off. I thought I would put out another call to arms for the Southern California area??

ANYONE in LOS ANGELES wanna play? I'm up in the Valley, but am always willing to travel if needed. Where you gamer at LA!!??

Welcome to my 24 hour living nightmare buddy. Fancy running this over the web?

I've tried some Meet-ups, and a few other places...same results. I don't know where everyone playing this game is...I'm not 100% more than 20 people in the world are playing this game, yet a reprint is coming.

I've tried some Meet-ups, and a few other places...same results. I don't know where everyone playing this game is...I'm not 100% more than 20 people in the world are playing this game, yet a reprint is coming.

It's unfortunate that this great RPG hobby of ours is full of young kids who think RPG games begin and end with Pathfinder. I think Warhammer has a solid core support but recent events with Fantasy Flight ditching the line has made it hard for people to stick with WFRP3 but there are players out there if you keep looking. And I can confirm based on the turnover of players in my campaign alone that there are 20 players. We've probably had that many players come and go.

But you might wanna do as Crazy Aido suggests and run it over Fantasy Grounds or something similar.

Edited by Noelyuk

There are players out there. I have seen them. There are at least two decent and long running RPG's running over fantasy grounds. So there is the players there. Also, you think you're isolated? I live in f*cking Ireland . Everyone thinks they're the **** for playing 2nd ed. If they play anything at all.

Anyway. Yeah, there are actually quite a lot of players around and I've seen plenty of games being played online, some of them not in English, but still being played.

There are players out there. I have seen them. There are at least two decent and long running RPG's running over fantasy grounds. So there is the players there. Also, you think you're isolated? I live in f*cking Ireland . Everyone thinks they're the **** for playing 2nd ed. If they play anything at all.

Anyway. Yeah, there are actually quite a lot of players around and I've seen plenty of games being played online, some of them not in English, but still being played.

Yeah, no you win Aido. Yes, unless it's Pathfinder or D&D 5E encounter/expedition/steampunk drow ninja, it's hard to find anyone branching out into RPG's. I will keep looking!!

the good news is I am one guy away from a solid The One Ring RPG group...maybe I can convert them.

Do check out Fantasy Grounds though. It's a handy enough little programme if you have a computer in front of you while you're playing. It also might have a few of those PODs or may some interesting actions from an expansion you might not have.

And also let me know if you're ever running anything.

Or else.*

* Or else nothing, this is an absolutely baseless and empty threat that I will do nothing to carry out. Happy Christmas!

I have been GM'ing this game for a few years on and off. I thought I would put out another call to arms for the Southern California area??

ANYONE in LOS ANGELES wanna play? I'm up in the Valley, but am always willing to travel if needed. Where you gamer at LA!!??


I'm interested. Currently running a 5e d&d campaign that meets every 2-3 weeks. In between, I'd like to try WHFRPG3e. I have the core set and several supplements. I can't commit to a regular campaign right now, but am certainly interested in an occasional one-shot.

I live in west Los Angeles. Sunday afternoons work for me. I know one or more players who might be up for a one-shot.

Email me so we can exchange more info.



**** YOU ALL TO HELL!!!!

I mean eh... enjoy your game.


the good news is I am one guy away from a solid The One Ring RPG group...maybe I can convert them.

I've allways found that if you get a solid group together and play an RPG it's easier to convert them to any other RPG after a while. Say you finish a One Ring campaign. Then everyone probably want to start a new campaign and will like the idea of trying another game system. At least that has worked well with people I have played with over the years. :)