The sleeving guide is helpful as far as it goes, but fails to take into account that total packs of sleeves will be in some cases significantly less when purchasing to cover an entire game series, rather than its individual constituents. Take, for example, the Arkham Horror series. The guide informs us that to cover just the mini cards in the base game plus expansions requires a total of 19 packs of 50. 950 mini sleeves, but wait a minute, the entire series contains only a total of 798 mini cards (discounting the 7 replacements for AH cards which come with DH; and more on that side point below). 798 cards requires just 16 packs, not 19: a difference of $7.50. Not significant? Don't forget tax and shipping costs. That "insignificant" $7.50 can easily double if you are located outside the USA (as in my case).
I mentioned above the 7 replacement cards for AH included in DH. These are totaled into DH's parts manifest, yielding a total of 152 mini cards. According to that figure, the sleeving guide correctly states that one would need 4 packs of mini sleeves to cover DH. But since 7 of those cards are replacements for cards presumably already sleeved (we'll assume for argument that no one in their right mind and capable of reading would buy a game expansion without having the base game). So, only 145 mini cards in DH require sleeves (unless one is so fastidious as to require keeping now obsolete cards sleeved for their protection - yeah, they might be collector items, sure... [no, really, I'm not being sarcastic]). Well, that's 3 packs, not 4, and the guide should definitely annotated reflective of this fact.
I own the entire AH, TI3 and Talsiman series (to date) and, as a result of follwoing the sleeving guide too literally, just in mini sleeves alone, I ended up with an excess of over 300 sleeves - more than half a box. I must of course accept part responsibility for this, since it is somewhat obvious, but the guide really should include an strong, clear advisory about this issue (and, again, correct total given for entire game series, in addition to the individual titles).
On a happier footnote, it's not all bad: the forthcoming Frostmarch expansion for Talisman will require (if I remember aright), 3 packs of mini sleeves to protect, so at least I'm already covered (with plenty over to spare).