Expansion Integration

By Bomba101, in Star Wars: Rebellion

How would this work? Would you just stick a new planet onto the side of the game board? Are there even going to BE expansions? SO MANY QUESTIONS

Since the galaxy itself rotates over time, and certain systems become more or less prominent in galactic affairs, I actually think it would be more efficient to have overlays that replace regions of the map with expansion-specific ones.

I'm hoping for just one big box expansion, that will double the board (as in make it a square of four quarter pieces! Maybe with TFA planets and systems.

In fact, wait till the new trilogy is done, and make it a seperate game that can also be hooked up to this one.

That would be pretty epic :)


My only problem with the other side of the board idea is the fact that how the board seems to be set up the planets fall in line with the (potentially old) galaxy map, leaving very little to be added aside from the Unknown Region. But who knows maybe they will go with mechanics over lore or even just release a new board for a sequel era map once that trilogy finishes up.

If they added an Unknown Region, it would likely act as the Outer Rim did in the PC game. You sent probe droids or recon Y-Wings to investigate an unknown planet. Sometimes it was already inhabited, and would be neutral (50/50 Rebel, Empire support). If it was uninhabited, you could establish a population by garrisoning it w/ troops then building either a mine or gas refinery. The resulting settlement would be 100% loyal to your faction.

Not sure how they'd translate it into the game, but it could be done.

I haven't seen anyone really bring up Tyber Zann and his consortium. Since he really isn't a super large force to be reckoned with he still managed to become a thorn in the side of the empire. Instead of the hutts faction like in Risk Original Trilogy, let's give the Consortium a try. They have plenty of unique units so that we dont have to model boring old pirate ships and skiffs.

Who cares about additional planets or a larger board. The board size is balanced for duration so I can't see them adding another side unless used exclusively in a 4 player game. As for overlays or additional planets, why does anyone care about this? All these are are locations. What does it matter if it says Hoth or Jakku?

What I'd like them to focus on in expansions would additional ships, heroes and abilities, additional missions and win conditions for both sides. Perhaps an additional board for new gameplay mechanics such as simple ground/space skirmish mechanics or resource management.

Think outside the box folks. Additional planets are boring.

This really needs an expansion for the board. It's missing some critical planets in exchange for a few totally inconsequential ones (like Ryloth and Felucia). It boggles my mind:

Planets Rebellion absolutely needs:

Kuat - Pretty self explanatory where Star Destroyer and SSD production is concerned
Byss - Famous for its production of World Devastators, Eclipse-class and Sovereign-class Star Destroyers, etc.

Nar Shadaa

Bastion - Darth Vader's headquarters/fortress

And on the subject of additional heroes (since the previous poster mentioned it):

Bevel Lemelisk - Engineer and architect of the Death Star(s), the Tarkin, the Eclipse, and the Dark Saber.

Mara Jade - Assassin
Thrawn, Daala, or Rae Sloan

Garm Bel Iblis

Talon Karrde

Crix Madine

Edited by ElizLestrad

I think someone mentioned this in a previous thread, but, I think the easiest expansion to integrate would be add a scum and villainy expansion. They would have a completely separate victory condition and only playable in a three+ player game, (game wouldn't work with one player as rebels and the other as Hutts, for instance). This way, all you really need to add is a few more rules, some miniatures and a ton more cardboard bits.

To address the heroes point, more heroes would be good. More of all the cards would be good. Add more replayabiltiy as it would take longer to run through all the cards. Who to add, specifically, is so subjective as to not be funny.

As to planets, I agree with Kuat. Nar Shadaa is a moon, is it not. Not sure if Nal Hutta is on the map. Byss and Bastion? Could go either way. Regardless, Kuat should DEFINATELY be on the map.

Edited because I missed something

Edited by Hersh

This really needs an expansion for the board. It's missing some critical planets in exchange for a few totally inconsequential ones (like Ryloth and Felucia). It boggles my mind:

Planets Rebellion absolutely needs:

Kuat - Pretty self explanatory where Star Destroyer and SSD production is concerned

Byss - Famous for its production of World Devastators, Eclipse-class and Sovereign-class Star Destroyers, etc.

Nar Shadaa

Bastion - Darth Vader's headquarters/fortress

And on the subject of additional heroes (since the previous poster mentioned it):

Bevel Lemelisk - Engineer and architect of the Death Star(s), the Tarkin, the Eclipse, and the Dark Saber.

Mara Jade - Assassin

Thrawn, Daala, or Rae Sloan

Garm Bel Iblis

Talon Karrde

Crix Madine

You also have to understand that Disney and by extension FFG is moving away from EU references. Many of those systems and pretty much all those characters are EU creations, and are unlikely to be featured in FFG products.

Kuat and Nar Shaddaa are the only remeaning canon items you've mentioned. And Nar Shaddaa is only a moon, though it is no longer explicitly stated if it is a moon of Nal Hutta any longer.

None of those characters, except Crix, are canon either.

Kuat is honestly the only odd omission you've named.

Edited by ScottieATF

Daala was one of the worst villains in the EU. Supposedly some kind of tactical genius, yet KJA never gives her a single victory. She limps away from every battle, usually losing a star destroyer in the process.

It made me want to scream at Anderson the importance of letting the villain win sometimes to create a credible threat. But all he could do was throw yet another death star AND the ridiculous and even more destructive sun crusher at us. The reason Zahn was loved so much is because we feared the minds of his villains, not their rehashed murder stations. And Kyp Durron needed to die.

This concludes today's reminder why wiping the slate clean of the EU was not entirely a bad thing.

On a side note, there's talk of Thrawn being utilized in Star Wars Rebels, which would make him canon again.

For Crying Out Loud!

It's only released today and you already want more!


For Crying Out Loud!

It's only released today and you already want more!


Yeah... and?

Personally, I think there are a lot of things that they could do without ever touching the map. The map is already gigantic - adding in new mechanics would be easy - maybe a scum and villainy faction that could move freely between empire and rebel space and both sides could secretly hire by passing cards or something to him.

The third faction could then assassinate leaders or slyly work behind the scenes to give victories. I mean, both sides used bounty hunters at times - it's entirely feasible.

Edited by jediMasterLenny

I think expansions would be neat, but I'm not at all certain they'll do any. For those of you more familiar with their board games, is that something they frequently do? (I play X-Wing and Armada.)

I wonder if people might fanbrew additions, perhaps with Shapeways models.

For the record, the really should have done Kuat, but they seem more focused on stuff from The Clone Wars. I'm surprised that they didn't put Lothal on the map.

FFG does do expansions for their board games, mostly when the games do well. They do love their expansions. Even expanded Twilight Imperium, (which makes Rebellion look small).

As to Lothal, did they ever show where it was?

edited to compensate for teh fact I am an idiot

Edited by Hersh

No, we have no idea where Lothal might be, except that it's on the Outer Rim.

I'm a big fan of the Essential Atlas , but I get the sense that the creators (other than James Luceno) don't want to get bogged down by any of that.

There is a new canon map in the TFA visual dictionary, but iirc it doesn't include Lothal.

I'm fine with expansions but why is everyone so hung up on Lothal? "The Lothal expansion" is not going to have me running to my FLGS.

Expanding the board is problematic IMHO. I'd rather see expansions in the form of new units (Neb-Bs and A-Wings? Interdictors and Interceptors?), New missions, etc.

If you want Lothal, they could release an entire alternate version of the game pre-ANH where the rebels get Ezra and other characters from Star Wars Rebels and Rogue One and the Imperials get the Inquisitors.

Koala, I agree. Changing teh board would require changing the mechanics. Add more planets, teh Imps would need to get more time. Or the ability to knock the turn marker back or something similar. If we see an expansion, (and I wager we will), it will either be a new faction, (ie Scum and Villainy), or more models, (less likely in my opinion as they would have to create new construction/combat charts for each force to incorporate the new ships). Just my 1.41 cents. Another possibility is we don't get ANY expansions until Rebellion gets re-released as V2

I'm not 'hung up'. I'm just curious about where it might be.

I also don't think a map 'expansion' is in the cards, or any expansion for that matter. That said, more missions, leaders, and types of units would be neat.

Edited by Mikael Hasselstein

Looking back at my topic I realize we're probably not going to get any expansions based on what I've observed from FFG's other Star Wars games.

Any Wave 1 packs in Armada, Imperial Assault, Star Wars: The Card Game, and I believe X-Wing were all announced prior to the game's release.

Rebellion is out and nothing has been announced, so sadly, I'm not counting on anything :(

I'm not sure I can agree with that, Bomba. Might not be for a while, but, I would be surprised if nothing came out. Like I said, it might take a LONG time, but, I think if Rebellion does WELL, expansions will come. FFG loves two things, cardboard tokens and expansions.

Edited for clarity

Edited by Hersh

FFG loves two things, cardboard tokens and expansions.

And my money.