What prizes do you want to see in Legacy and more questions...

By darklogos, in UFS General Discussion

First off thanks to everyone who answered my questioner before. I got a lot of insight and ideas from it.

Here are some questions I would like everyones feedback on.

1.What should local prize support for legacy look like? Please explain in detail.

2.What should a national championship prize for legacy look like? Please explain in detail.

3, What would it take for you to get into legacy?

4. Is the price point of entering into legacy to high?

5. Do you feel that you would not have the tools to win in legacy?

6. For those who play legacy or want to play legacy what type of experience are you looking for? Are you looking for the same experience as standard? Please explain in detail.

7. If you could have one thing change in legacy what would it be? If answer is listed above then no need to answer this question.

1. Booster packs, promos for the current metagame
2. Same as above, maybe some banners, art cels, and maybe even some copies of the games of the franchises.
3. A banned list suited for Legacy, not just the current banned list. Also, all of my Legacy cards are stuck in storage for 2 years, so I'd need stuff to play with lol.
4. ...I don't know what you're asking. Are you saying Legacy is expensive because of the cards involved? If you are, no, I have almost every single UFS card ever made.
5. Ignoring the fact that I don't have my stuff? Well, my main Legacy deck was an Evil Ukyo very, very similar to Ben Shoemaker and Scott Gaines', and my Bitter Rivals **Mai** has never lost a match (until May cycled and BR got banned -_- )
6. Well, I don't really play Legacy, but I'd like a good experience, which, frankly, I feel means there needs to be a gigantic banned list. I realize Legacy is meant to relive the days of absolute insanity, but, um, those days shouldn't have ever existed. If Legacy could have a 30 million page banned list, it'd be like playing NEWFS, except with a 25+ set card pool to reach into as opposed to 3.
7. In relation to the above, I wish they could go back an errata almost every single card, that way the banned list would be that much shorter. Oh well.

darklogos said:

1.What should local prize support for legacy look like? Please explain in detail.

Identical to standard, whatever that may be. That way all sanctioned events are supported equally.

darklogos said:

2.What should a national championship prize for legacy look like? Please explain in detail.

Winner gets to design an "in pack" card. So long as it fits within the design guidelines for the set. (IE - Must be balanced, and must meet liceing requirements of the set being built.)

darklogos said:

3, What would it take for you to get into legacy?

Already in it... so is this survey really for me?

darklogos said:

4. Is the price point of entering into legacy to high?

Additionally one of my "budget conscious" players put together a deck for our last Legacy 6x10 event that was scary good, and he's "broke" and can't afford the "power" cards. People use the "price" of legacy as an excuse.

darklogos said:

5. Do you feel that you would not have the tools to win in legacy?

Eh... 2009 Legacy Worlds Swiss Champ - Lost in the top 4 to a "bad beat" to steal a poker term. Did so with a theme deck that wasn't even using the best cards available in the format. So I think I'll be okay. And honestly, owning a play set of every legacy card in the game, if I lack the tools, it's my own skill that's lacking.

darklogos said:

6. For those who play legacy or want to play legacy what type of experience are you looking for? Are you looking for the same experience as standard? Please explain in detail.

I'm looking for fun creative games, that make me think, and give me a challenge on figuring out how to win. So basically, yeah... same experience as standard, just a different card pool with different strategies.

darklogos said:

7. If you could have one thing change in legacy what would it be? If answer is listed above then no need to answer this question.

Change the perception that legacy is boring, and that cards like BRT are the be all, end all.

MarcoPulleaux said:

7. In relation to the above, I wish they could go back an errata almost every single card, that way the banned list would be that much shorter. Oh well.

It's not planned in the way that you intend - however the powers that be have a desire that one of my projects is to do that, and basically bring all pre-FFG cards in line with current wording, and to have them actually function properly under the AGR.

1.What should local prize support for legacy look like? Please explain in detail.
Same as Standard with additional cards they couldn't give out before, much like currently.

2.What should a national championship prize for legacy look like? Please explain in detail.
I wouldn't know, I don't play Legacy.

3, What would it take for you to get into legacy?
Nothing could make me play Legacy. The only way I'd play is if it's the only format available... and even then if it comes to that I might just quit the game altogether. I haven't exactly been feeling passionate about the game lately in the first place, and that would definitely make sure I don't want to play it anymore.

4. Is the price point of entering into legacy to high?
It depends on how you value Legacy cards. I personally value the cards with the same stock as the company values them - Which means nothing. So in a sense, were I to purchase Legacy stuff, I would be paying money for nothing. So of course, no matter how low the prices are, to me, the price point of entering Legacy is too high.

Now, if the playerbase resurrected the format and the company started supporting it? Then they'd be worth something and I'd have to reconsider my stance - but there's no real chance of that happening, and I won't exactly help in that matter.

5. Do you feel that you would not have the tools to win in legacy?
I most definitely wouldn't - The decks that dominate in Legacy are the deck I can't play for the life of me. Chalk another reason up for me not to play it.

7. If you could have one thing change in legacy what would it be? If answer is listed above then no need to answer this question.
Rectifying the banlist. Certain cards were just poorly worded and thus banned because of it, while others should have been on there earlier.

Not that it's gonna get me to play it, but...

Quick side question. When you all say you want the legacy prize support to be identical to standard what do you mean? Are you saying you want old promo's, current promos, old power cards, or just the same volume as standard? The big reason I ask because current prize support has a lot more legacy cards then standard block cards.

darklogos said:

Quick side question. When you all say you want the legacy prize support to be identical to standard what do you mean? Are you saying you want old promo's, current promos, old power cards, or just the same volume as standard? The big reason I ask because current prize support has a lot more legacy cards then standard block cards.

The exact same cards as standard. All the old promos we'll either have, don't need or can just be purchased cheap online.

Same prizes exact so we aren't in a sense penalised for playing Legacy.

If you want to make Legacy successful all of the cards will have to be available to everyone for a very cheap price. What I would recomend is banning promo cards that were difficult to get, because they will be almost impossible for new players to aquire. Most sets are fairly easy to get ahold of still, accept for DS02 which was under printed, and maybe some of the original Street Fighter sets. To make Legacy a viable format everyone will need to be able to play it. Here are my suggestions:

Get an experienced team to create a comprihensive list of cards that will be the complete legacy format. Then just as is done in all other card games, create a base set. Like Magic 8,9,10 etc, or Yu-Gi-Oh! where you have all of the legal cards reprinted. This means that people who already have the cards can use them again, and new players will be able to play in the legacy format as well. I would probably set it into four sets of 500 cards. So that means new booster boxes for these. That is enough to separate the licenses to avoid legal matters. They did it with WarCry when the rotation kicked in (that is the predicessor to UFS by Sabertooth Games). Once the cards are available to everyone, the format will be playable. Until then, there will never be a large player base for legacy.

For the pro tour, I am almost considering making a sanctioned proxy list for legacy so that all older cards are easily accessed by all players. We will see about that though. It is just a thought.

As for prizes, either give out new product just like standard. Basically make it all the same prize support for each format. (excluding character cards like nationals and worlds, and not including a plane ticket for Pro Tour events.)

Also, the advantage of re-printing all of the cards that are decided to be in Legacy, will give us a chance to errata all of them. *no more banned legacy cards*

Just to make sure I understand. Everyone is saying all prize support should be for the current block and not from previous blocks.

Bloodrunstrue said:

darklogos said:

Quick side question. When you all say you want the legacy prize support to be identical to standard what do you mean? Are you saying you want old promo's, current promos, old power cards, or just the same volume as standard? The big reason I ask because current prize support has a lot more legacy cards then standard block cards.

The exact same cards as standard. All the old promos we'll either have, don't need or can just be purchased cheap online.

Same prizes exact so we aren't in a sense penalised for playing Legacy.

they wont be cheap anymore if legacy is widely played and supported though.....like 100s of dollars for old magic cards

Ive always been in favor of the world champion for legacy being able to bring a card back from legacy to reprint it in stardard for a year of course there would have to be restrictions and balancing factors but there are plenty of cards that could be brought back that wouldnt break the game.......even maybe some older reprints that have different artwork would be nice

but as for local prize i dont know if it should be as good as standard but at least give us some cool promo, artwork, etc... it shouldnt be as crappy as cards we already have and dont want

darklogos said:

Just to make sure I understand. Everyone is saying all prize support should be for the current block and not from previous blocks.

If that is what's being given out for Standard events - Then yes.

Right now I must admit - I like this "Here's a pile of prize support. Dole it out as you see fit."

Antigoth said:

darklogos said:

2.What should a national championship prize for legacy look like? Please explain in detail.

Winner gets to design an "in pack" card. So long as it fits within the design guidelines for the set. (IE - Must be balanced, and must meet liceing requirements of the set being built.)

A lot of CCGs do this, and I think it's a REALLY good idea.

I'm sure Antigoth and others remember Raw Deal.
Wess Victory made "The Road to Victory"
Kandiman made "For the Love of the Game"

Shaneth said:

Antigoth said:

darklogos said:

2.What should a national championship prize for legacy look like? Please explain in detail.

Winner gets to design an "in pack" card. So long as it fits within the design guidelines for the set. (IE - Must be balanced, and must meet liceing requirements of the set being built.)


A lot of CCGs do this, and I think it's a REALLY good idea.

I'm sure Antigoth and others remember Raw Deal.
Wess Victory made "The Road to Victory"
Kandiman made "For the Love of the Game"

If "For the Love of the Game" didn't have Stephanie McMahon on it, I call shenanigans.