X-Wing Beginner's Guide

By flipperoverlord, in X-Wing

Also, I honestly don't really mind if people want to take my guide and make it their own. It makes no difference to me. I'm not extremely technologically savvy, so if you want to do something like that, just let me know what you need from me to help make that happen for you.

Thanks @flipperoverlord that is a kind offer of you.

I think what I need to make this guide more easily shared and modifiable by others is the "source" - what program do you use to create and edit this guide? I'm guessing you use Microsoft Word? I'd need to .doc or .docx file that is the "original" of this guide. If you have multiple versions of that saved, it'd be to have the last few versions. You could share those on Google Drive like you share the PDF, or if you preferred you could send directly to me, and I'll take care of getting them shared - just let me know, thanks!

Great stuff. I would rename this, though: "X-Wing - The Definitive Guide" :)

On 11/12/2017 at 7:28 PM, cooper.marcus said:

Thanks @flipperoverlord that is a kind offer of you.

I think what I need to make this guide more easily shared and modifiable by others is the "source" - what program do you use to create and edit this guide? I'm guessing you use Microsoft Word? I'd need to .doc or .docx file that is the "original" of this guide. If you have multiple versions of that saved, it'd be to have the last few versions. You could share those on Google Drive like you share the PDF, or if you preferred you could send directly to me, and I'll take care of getting them shared - just let me know, thanks!


I don't know how to send you document, as it is too big to upload to my email or google drive to share :/ ... I can only send as PDFs I think. Please advise.

12/24/17 V5.2 Edit: I added the two new waves of ships (wave XII and XIII). This is as normal of an update as can be, with the new ships, upgrades, and casual errata added.

12/26/17 V5.21 Edit: I corrected a few typos and some of the suggested upgrades. I changed a few of the suggested erratas, including some cost reductions on most T-70 X-wing pilots.

Click Below to see the guide:


12/27/17 V5.22 Edit: I underestimated how overpowered Harpoon Missiles are haha. Added a second nerf that should allow them to still be played in some lists (with all other errata taken into account), but without overshadowing all other ordnance types.

Please enter the link below to see the guide:


Thank you! I honestly love it!

This is utterly fantastic, thank you flipperoverlord!

Very minor note, I've come across a few statements that are obsolete with newer releases. Ones I've spotted:

Page.58 Tie/fo
"The TIE/fo is the only Imperial ship to sport the 2-speed Segnor’s loop which can make the TIE/fo extremely unpredictable and nimble."
The Tie Striker now can as well? Anything else?

Page.119 T-70
"The T-70 is currently the only ship in the game that has the Talon Roll maneuver, which grants it a unique option in a dogfight."
Now the Silencer, Scurrg H-6 and Protectorate Starfighter can also Talon Roll.

Page.124 VCX-100
"It is one of two ships with a 4 dice attack,"
Now 3 with the Tie Phantom, VCX-100 and Upsilon-Class Shuttle.

Edited by Illithidbix
3 hours ago, Illithidbix said:

This is utterly fantastic, thank you flipperoverlord!

Very minor note, I've come across a few statements that are obsolete with newer releases. Ones I've spotted:

Page.58 Tie/fo
"The TIE/fo is the only Imperial ship to sport the 2-speed Segnor’s loop which can make the TIE/fo extremely unpredictable and nimble."
The Tie Striker now can as well? Anything else?

Page.119 T-70
"The T-70 is currently the only ship in the game that has the Talon Roll maneuver, which grants it a unique option in a dogfight."
Now the Silencer, Scurrg H-6 and Protectorate Starfighter can also Talon Roll.

Page.124 VCX-100
"It is one of two ships with a 4 dice attack,"
Now 3 with the Tie Phantom, VCX-100 and Upsilon-Class Shuttle.

Thank you for the kind words and the suggested changes! I will edit those for the next update.