X-Wing Beginner's Guide

By flipperoverlord, in X-Wing

Mate, I've been playing for a year, have just started reading this today; and I'm learning things. This is really good work. Well done.

You made this?


PDF isn't dangerous don't worry. I download dangerous things often I would know! :P

Had a quick glance after downloading and I have to say that it's an excellent guide!

I'll try downloading again after work. Thanks for the responses and advice.

So much info! Very helpfull.

This is a great resource, thank you for creating and sharing it!

I have updated the guide. I have also added the Force Awakened ships. Thank you for all the kind words everyone. I have changed some of the guide based on some of you who had constructive criticism. Thanks again! :-)

*I have also added the guide to the Team Covenant site.

This is truly impressive. Well written, easy to follow, nice suggested squad and upgrade.

I love it.

This is awesome. Thank you for putting the work in!

Certainly a lot of work. A couple of things I noticed I maybe wouldn't have done the same way but overall it is quite impressive and for someone who has a core set and is looking to expand it really could be very helpful. I would suggest pm'ing major juggler and seeing about getting it in the pinned thread if it isn't already there.

Wow, great work! Thanks so much for this. I love the triangular indicator of arc-dodger/jouster/turret.

Nitpicking, but I think I'd bump the TIE Defender up a bit on the jousting scale.

Edited by jme

I haven't been able to read the whole thing yet, but what I've seen is pretty excellent. Great work.

The guide has been added to MajorJugger's pinned posts. :-)

Wow, great work! Thanks so much for this. I love the triangular indicator of arc-dodger/jouster/turret.

Nitpicking, but I think I'd bump the TIE Defender up a bit on the jousting scale.

Fair point. I may have been a little harsh on it. I'll update the graph with my next update.

This is great - spotted a couple of couple of typos (the section about 'Cloaked' ships says 'Clock' at the start off the top of my head!) but I'm enjoying reading it! Thank you!


This is great - spotted a couple of couple of typos (the section about 'Cloaked' ships says 'Clock' at the start off the top of my head!) but I'm enjoying reading it! Thank you!


Edited by flipperoverlord

That was a good read. A few typographical errors, but generally pretty good. Will there be anything on epic ships?

As a newbie, thanks for this guide!

That was a good read. A few typographical errors, but generally pretty good. Will there be anything on epic ships?

Thanks! It's amazing how difficult it is sometimes to notice one's own typos; hopefully I can eliminate most errors for the next update. While I'm not opposed to including Epic, I'll be honest, I've never played Epic, so I'd have a hard time writing about a topic I know so little about.


as a new player I wanted to thank you for this guide! I've created an account specifically to do so. I think people need to realize how good it is. You described in short every ship, then in details every pilot and even gave us first ideas on mixing upgrades and possible builds. That is totally awesome. I am looking for more such great guides, anyone? With each ship described cons/pros, possible combowombos etc.

Gj thanks again!

This has been great for a noob like myself. Thank you very much for taking the time to put this together!

Edited by hardbap

I have updated the guide. I fixed some typos and wording issues. I also added the new TIE Fighters and Agent Kallus from the new Imperial Assault Carrier expansion.

Bumping for it is useful and great.

I have updated the guide. I fixed some typos and wording issues. I also added the new TIE Fighters and Agent Kallus from the new Imperial Assault Carrier expansion.

Really, please do update it everytime new ships come out. It is really essential for the community and newcomers! Great job again!