Should Descent/Runebound/Runewars World be made into a Pen and Paper RPG?

By Darkfire14, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I'm an excellent fan of the World of Terrinoth and the products relating to it. The only problem I see is that with the board games you're forced to play a scenero based in the board games rather than allowing players to really "Roleplay" their characters. One thing the World of Terrinoth needs is a RPG book that will give historical backgrounds, clarify the world itself as well as allow players to make characters and play in the world. So should Fantasy Flight Games make an RPG of the World of Terrinoth? If so what system should they use?

Yes! I'd love it if they made a Terrinoth RPG and it should definitely use that as it's name! I think it should use the art-style of Runebound/Descent over the current artstyle of RuneWars.

I'd prefer a D6 system or custom D6s like Descent has!

The fact that they currently develop and publish 3 RPGs and they keep using Terrinoth as a setting pretty much should clue is in to the fact that they WILL do this! It's not a matter of if anymore...but when?

Not only would I like them to call it Terrinoth, but I hope they sell the core books as hardcovers like most RPGs!

I could see it using d20 or other open source system. But I doubt I'd buy it if it was a full game. There are already plenty of RPGs out there with a generic fantasy feel, ranging from the highly free-form (Earthdawn, older D&D) to the highly tactical (Exalted, newer D&D). To my knowledge Descent and the world of Terrinoth don't have the depth of setting or fan base to compete on the RPG market.

Since FFG makes Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (a very popular system) and Grimm (whatever that is), I doubt we'll see any Terrinoth RPG in the foreseeable future.

I, for one, would love to see a Terrinoth RPG. I can understand concerns that the world isn't really distinct from other high fantasy settings, but that wouldn't stop me from buying it. I'm not suggesting a full run of sourcebooks, mind you. A main setting book and a monster manual of sorts would probably be all I'd buy, but those two books would be dearly cherished regardless.

As far as the system to use, I'm largely indifferent. If it were made using d20 that would be a plus since I already know it. There's even a wealth of proper minis and map elements to use from the various board games (particularly Descent), so the inherent tactical wargame elements of d20 wouldn't leave us twisting. It might limit interest in the product to those who've already bought at least one Terrnioth board game though, which may not be a good thing from FFG's perspective. On the other hand, most gamers probably have minis and map-making elements as a matter of course, so even if they don't have "official" minis, they can make due. If it was a really huge concern, a couple of token sheets for minis packaged with the book would probably be enough.

If they decided to use a proprietary system, that'd be fine by me too. Maybe the same system they're using for one of their existing RPGs. It's all good for me, really. The main thing I'd be interested in the product for is the wealth of setting information about Terrinoth and the opportunity to explore this world in my own way and at my own pace. The mechanics can be fiddled with if they aren't up to par.

I would be very interested in this. In fact, this very topic has been brought up on the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Forums since the new edition of that game seems to have some Descent influences in it.

I agree that Terrinoth is not an incredibly distinctive setting, at least so far, but... I think it could draw attention to itself and be distinctive in different ways. For one thing, the heroes and Overlord avatars of Descent could play various interesting roles in the lore which would be fun for fans of Descent. But more importantly, I think this game could draw attention to itself through its unique mechanics. It could incorporate strong boardgame elements straight from Descent. A lot of people are saying this about the new Warhammer already but I'm thinking of something more like Warhammer Quest with its light, smooth and fun roleplay elements, only with more options for social interactions and outdoor encounters. In fact, come to think of it, perhaps it would work best as an expansion to Descent: one that introduces roleplaying elements such as character interaction, fluff and the like and that changes the OL's role to that of GM... What do you guys think?

Or I should say...I am interested in hardcover Lore/History/Monster-Manuals. Like RPGs used to be.

I am not interested in thin books with no detailed history or lore. And the pics and writeups for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay look like that to me.

The 4th Edition of Forgotten Realms also sucks as it is paper-thin on Lore/History unlike the 3.5 edition!

If FFG made good Terrinoth History/Lore and Monster manuals they would be popular with Runebound, Descent, and Rune Wars players just for background info alone!

No material James McMurray? There is a wealth of information out of the board games. Terrinoth is a very extensive world. Four Regions have already been released, from the populated lands, the high seas, savage deserts and the frozen north. There are new and unique takes on different types of monsters that have no equivalent in other games. Savage Beastmen, Terrible Ferrox, Bloodthristy Razorwings and numerous other creatures. Indeed, I'ed say Terrinoth is not like any other setting out there. There is so much one can gain from the board games alone. With some background development to put all these elements into a living world, they could create the greatest RPG ever made. Terrinoth needs more than just board game, it needs background and development so that players can build their own adventures. Terrinoth should have its own game system!

Frog said:

I am not interested in thin books with no detailed history or lore. And the pics and writeups for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay look like that to me.

The 4th Edition of Forgotten Realms also sucks as it is paper-thin on Lore/History unlike the 3.5 edition!

It all depends on what will satisfy you of course, but don't think that WFRP doesn't have a detailed history or lore. It is in fact very, very rich and while the new box does indeed have thinner books, there are four of them. Two of those are almost entirely focused on background/lore and the rulebook also contains a fair amount of it. Just saying... you might like it, or not. That's another discussion of course.

Ludlov Thadwin of Sevenpiecks said:

It all depends on what will satisfy you of course, but don't think that WFRP doesn't have a detailed history or lore. It is in fact very, very rich and while the new box does indeed have thinner books, there are four of them. Two of those are almost entirely focused on background/lore and the rulebook also contains a fair amount of it. Just saying... you might like it, or not. That's another discussion of course.

You could be right about that. I am just going by the few pictures I have seen. I'll have to wait till I can see them for myself. But again, this edition is a problem because all the books will come sealed in a box. You can't even look at them unlike 99% of other RPGs.

Ludlov Thadwin of Sevenpiecks said:

I would be very interested in this. In fact, this very topic has been brought up on the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Forums since the new edition of that game seems to have some Descent influences in it.

I agree that Terrinoth is not an incredibly distinctive setting, at least so far, but... I think it could draw attention to itself and be distinctive in different ways. For one thing, the heroes and Overlord avatars of Descent could play various interesting roles in the lore which would be fun for fans of Descent. But more importantly, I think this game could draw attention to itself through its unique mechanics. It could incorporate strong boardgame elements straight from Descent. A lot of people are saying this about the new Warhammer already but I'm thinking of something more like Warhammer Quest with its light, smooth and fun roleplay elements, only with more options for social interactions and outdoor encounters. In fact, come to think of it, perhaps it would work best as an expansion to Descent: one that introduces roleplaying elements such as character interaction, fluff and the like and that changes the OL's role to that of GM... What do you guys think?

I would prefer a full-on RPG to a "Descent expansion" that introduces "role-playing elements." First and foremost because Descent is not the only game in the Terrinoth universe, making it a Descent expansion would seem to ignore the existence of Runebound and the upcoming Runewars. Secondly, coupling it directly to any of the board games would imply that it's still a board game, just one with more talking than most. It would also limit the designers to making a game engine that obeys all the established rules of the board game (many of which are blatantly illogical in Descent's case) and only expands in non-contradictory ways. I mean, look at how RtL changed things. In my opinion they were pushing their luck with such a heavy overhaul of the rules. On the whole it worked out well, but there are kinks. Trying to do the same thing to make a full on RPG while still billing it as an "expansion" would probably destroy the idea at the mechanical level.

In order for such an RPG product to succeed in its stated goal, it needs to remain separate from the finite rules and options of any one board game. It needs to go whole hog on the RPG idea. That's also why I support the idea of calling it "Terrinoth RPG" instead of "Descent RPG" or "Runebound RPG." It shouldn't be a secondary product to any of the board games. It should be a product all it's own that shares (and expands upon) the universe of these other board games.

I'm all in favour of using the miniatures and board pieces from Descent (and RB and RW) to set up battle maps and such in such a theoretical RPG, but forcing the two together at the design level would be a mistake, imho. Keeping the products separate allows those of us who have the board game(s) to use the components we have as we see fit and it allows those who don't to find their own props. Putting them together would ultimately limit sales and interest to those who already have one or more of the board games.

Exactly the way I feel about it! I'm sure this will happen down the road(to legend lol!!!)

The Terrinoth RPG should be self-contained and NOT an expansion to any of the boardgames. By doing that they would be limiting the pool of customers which would not be smart and it would negatively effect the core mechanics of the RPG by being bound by pre-established board-game rules!

Steve-O said:

Ludlov Thadwin of Sevenpiecks said:

I would be very interested in this. In fact, this very topic has been brought up on the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Forums since the new edition of that game seems to have some Descent influences in it.

I agree that Terrinoth is not an incredibly distinctive setting, at least so far, but... I think it could draw attention to itself and be distinctive in different ways. For one thing, the heroes and Overlord avatars of Descent could play various interesting roles in the lore which would be fun for fans of Descent. But more importantly, I think this game could draw attention to itself through its unique mechanics. It could incorporate strong boardgame elements straight from Descent. A lot of people are saying this about the new Warhammer already but I'm thinking of something more like Warhammer Quest with its light, smooth and fun roleplay elements, only with more options for social interactions and outdoor encounters. In fact, come to think of it, perhaps it would work best as an expansion to Descent: one that introduces roleplaying elements such as character interaction, fluff and the like and that changes the OL's role to that of GM... What do you guys think?

I would prefer a full-on RPG to a "Descent expansion" that introduces "role-playing elements." First and foremost because Descent is not the only game in the Terrinoth universe, making it a Descent expansion would seem to ignore the existence of Runebound and the upcoming Runewars. Secondly, coupling it directly to any of the board games would imply that it's still a board game, just one with more talking than most. It would also limit the designers to making a game engine that obeys all the established rules of the board game (many of which are blatantly illogical in Descent's case) and only expands in non-contradictory ways. I mean, look at how RtL changed things. In my opinion they were pushing their luck with such a heavy overhaul of the rules. On the whole it worked out well, but there are kinks. Trying to do the same thing to make a full on RPG while still billing it as an "expansion" would probably destroy the idea at the mechanical level.

In order for such an RPG product to succeed in its stated goal, it needs to remain separate from the finite rules and options of any one board game. It needs to go whole hog on the RPG idea. That's also why I support the idea of calling it "Terrinoth RPG" instead of "Descent RPG" or "Runebound RPG." It shouldn't be a secondary product to any of the board games. It should be a product all it's own that shares (and expands upon) the universe of these other board games.

I'm all in favour of using the miniatures and board pieces from Descent (and RB and RW) to set up battle maps and such in such a theoretical RPG, but forcing the two together at the design level would be a mistake, imho. Keeping the products separate allows those of us who have the board game(s) to use the components we have as we see fit and it allows those who don't to find their own props. Putting them together would ultimately limit sales and interest to those who already have one or more of the board games.

I see your point and will have to agree with a lot of what you're saying. A Descent expansion would probably be a bad idea indeed. Still, I'd like it to be something more/else than just a book. Not that I don't like RPG books but there are billions of them and ultimately, there are more distinguished settings out there than Terrinoth. The one thing it that would make it stand out and that would make it feel like Descent would be lots of fiddly bits, miniatures and the same dice for combat. Simply because they're fun and nice to look at & play with. I know, I'm probably being terribly shallow here but I've been feeling for a while that RPGs need to expand into new territories, become more visually attractive and fun... without resorting to anything "electronic".

Don't get me wrong, I love traditional RPGs and I would definitely love an expansive lore for Terrinoth :)