Gives what effect? I cant find the weapon upgrade anywhere, I'm considering ruling that it counts as a pistol when folded (can be fired in melee) but I'd like some forum or DW writer input.
Folding stock on hesh pattern bolter
Actually, don't most boltguns
have a stock in general?
On a hunch, this sounds like something that might increase the user's Ballistic Skill when Aiming, as they can now settle the gun into their shoulder (or pauldron).
Actually, don't most boltguns not have a stock in general?
On a hunch, this sounds like something that might increase the user's Ballistic Skill when Aiming, as they can now settle the gun into their shoulder (or pauldron).
As far as I know stocks are a some have them some don't when it comes to bolters. The standard for the game the Godwyn pattern doesn't.
The issue is a matter of balance, its got half the range of the standard bolter and yet is 20m longer than the pistol.
The ideas I've rattled around at current are
Leave it alone. Boring.
With the stock out you can use the sight that helps with night vision, collapsed you cant.
Counts as pistol when collapsed for purposes of being weilded in melee.
In that case I'd go for option #2, as otherwise people would argue that they want to use the Godwyn (and the majority of other boltguns) like a pistol as well. And they'd have a point.
Though personally I'd go either for a free +5 BS when using the Aim action ... or, if you want the folding stock to work like a secondary weapon mode:
- Hesh w/o Stock: Range 100m, S/3/-, Tearing, Reliable
- Hesh w/ Stock folded out: Range 150m, S/2/-, Tearing, Accurate, Reliable
This way, the stock basically transforms the Hesh into a pseudo sniper boltgun, like FFG's version of the Stalker "pattern", but at the cost of lowering its Semi-Auto damage output.
It's a bit unfortunate that the game does not come with baked-in penalties for using basic weapons without a stock, as that would of course make it a lot easier to find a mechanical effect here. Sure, on one hand one could argue that the background of the setting should mean that power-armoured troops with recoil compensation and gun-linked autosenses should not suffer such penalties either way, but then why the hell did someone come up with this gun? Perhaps it was made for Scout Marines who do not have PA and helmets?
It's also unfortunate that DW did away with full-auto boltguns, because I think this would have opened up some additional possibilities here.
[...] why the hell did someone come up with this gun? Perhaps it was made for Scout Marines who do not have PA and helmets?
I think so, yes. Apparently the originally intended use for folding stocks in DH1 is to let a Basic weapon be fired one-handed. This would normally incur a -20 penalty on BS, but it looks like a folding stock lessens it to -10:
Basic Weapons (DW Core, p. 140.): Basic weapons normally require two hands, but can be used one-handed with a –20 penalty to hit.
Las Carbine (DH1 Core, p. 131.): [...] often coming with a folding stock . Las carbines can be fired in one hand with only a -10 penalty rather than the normal -20 for basic weapons.
This advantage is minimal to begin with, and mostly made useless in Deathwatch by the Recoil Suppression ability of the Astartes Power Armour:
Recoil Suppression (DW Core, p. 161.): Provides the ability to fire Basic weapons one-handed. Ranged weapons not classed as Pistols still may not be used in Close Combat.
This would imply that folding stocks only matter in DW when the Marine's outside his power armour, and explicitly undermines the "wield in melee" idea. On the other hand, good news for Scouts! Of the Ultramarines! Because for some unfathomable reason, never to be explained later, only Ultras can use it by default!
Anyway, Rogue Trader throws in a different bonus for stocks, more in line with Lynata's suggestion, although it fails to elaborate on it later, not to mention how it makes no grammatical sense:
Archeotech Laspistol (RT Core 120): It can be fired like a pistol, though many also can mount folding stocks and longer barrels allow the weapon to be braced two handed for a more accurate shot.
Here, I provided the raw data, now kindly do as you please
On the other hand, any idea how come the Ultramarines called dibs on it?
The Hesh probably got dibs'd by the Ultramarines probably because it was either written by an Ultramarine favorer, or there was supposed to be a Chapter/Legion-exclusive weapon for each Chapter/Legion that then got axed, but while the Hesh got saved and reused, the Ultramarine-exclusive line got left in. I think I'd generally just ignore the Ultramarine-only line, barring some actual reason why they're the only ones who have it.
As far as the Archeotech Laspistol goes, I generally just say it has about the same rules as the Cadence "Widower" Dart Caster - a full round action to switch to a being treated as a Basic weapon with +50% range, and a full round action to switch back to being a pistol.
I think the Hesh is supposed to be like the Bolter equivalent of an H&K MP5-series, or similar weapon. Or an ultracompact assault carbine, maybe.
Given the weight of the Hesh, it is always treated as a Basic, and then maybe the stock needs to be in use to benefit from Accurate and the scope ... but it looses one level of fire rate. And probably bump the range back up a bit.
Also, bring back full-auto for bolt weapons.
Maybe make it easier to conceal a Hesh with a collapsed stock. But you're an Astartes, so "concealing your bolter" is probably not very high on your priority list. Unless you're an Alpha Legion infiltrator/covert operative. Hmmm.
The Hesh probably got dibs'd by the Ultramarines probably because it was either written by an Ultramarine favorer, or there was supposed to be a Chapter/Legion-exclusive weapon for each Chapter/Legion that then got axed, but while the Hesh got saved and reused, the Ultramarine-exclusive line got left in. I think I'd generally just ignore the Ultramarine-only line, barring some actual reason why they're the only ones who have it.
Sounds plausible, seeing how the restriction is omitted from the description text and only mentioned in the footnotes of the Ranged Weapons table. On the other hand, the same restriction made its way to the Errata, so fixing it clearly wasn't a priority. Anyway, if we don't limit its use to the Ultras, how would you guys set the Requisition cost and Renown requirements for it?
I'd say that the Hesh should be awarded, not obtainable through normal means. Maybe if someone who has a Godwyn bolter as part of their standard kit receives a certain number of Marksman's Honours, he can spend an Elite Advance to replace his Godwyn Bolter with a Hesh.