Cambridge, MN Events Information

By JerusalemJones, in Warhammer Invasion Community

Tomorrow night is the end of week five of the Warhammer league. It actually looks as though Shad is in first place at present, and I've lost all my league games this week (both Warhammer and Thrones). Nothing against Argonel, but I would like to see somebody else win a week for once.

I have nothing against me either, but I am quietly hoping someone will outscore me too. I'm too competitive to deliberately throw a game, but I may try high risk tactics just to see if they pay off. Frankly I'm playing in the league for the competition and for the love of the game rather than for any of the prizes.

This week we had 6 players for out tournament, and a different winner. Of course, it was an Orc deck that won, but I'm still not convinced they are the best faction just the most popular, and perhaps the easiest to build.

Our league is winding down. After Tuesday, there are only two weeks left.

And Path of the Zealot will be releasing this week good news indeed!

In one week The Gamers Den will begin our second 8-week league play for Warhammer: Invasion. This will use the same league kit as the first league, since I do not think FFG will be releasing a new one before this set of Battle Packs is done.

League Rules:

Entry fee for the league, per player, is $5.

League weeks start on Sundays and end on Saturdays. The first week will begin on Sunday, January 17th even though the store is closed on Sundays.

Players may play against each opponent once during the week for league points. Players gain 1 point for playing a game, and get an additional point for winning the game.

At the end of each week, points are tallied up. The player with the most points wins the week. At the end of the 8-week cycle, total weekly wins are tallied to determine standings for the league and the rewarding of prizes. Prizes are chosen by winner's choice. Each weekly winner will also receive a vote in the storyline for Warhammer: Invasion.

Occasionally, special events may occur to allow for the obtaining of bonus points. These will be announced at least one week in advance, and can include things as a special "bonus" tournament, multi-player games or other special rule events to earn extra points for the league.

If you have any questions, post here or email me at [email protected]

Yesterday (Sat. the 6th) we had a 6 player tournament, including two players from the Twin Cities, who it looks like might show up on a semi-regular basis. If so, hopefully you'll be here on the 20th, as I'll actually be able to play (I get one Saturday off every 6 weeks at the Post Office). WE're looking at weekly tournaments every Saturday now at noon, with a $2-3 entry fee (it's kinda variable we tend to lower the weekly fee when we can justify it).

The league is going well, and I think we're only three weeks in, with #4 coming up this week, and it's still an open league. And the core games are back in stock, and we're looking to teach new players, so stop on in Tues/Wed/Thurs night and we'll give you a demo!

What nights are best to get a good chunk of games against different opponents? I'd like to make it up there again at some point - it's a fantastic store!

Wow, I have been away from this section for a long time pushed to page three, and missed a post from Wytefang.

In answer to your question, we play most often Tuesday nights and Saturday afternoons (tournaments every Sat at Noon, $3 entry). Tuesdays is our semi-official league game night.

The second league is wrapping up today, and we'll be taking two weeks off before starting the next one in April. We may have to raise the entry cost for the league, as the kits actually cost $22 after shipping and tax are added in. I'd like to keep it at $5 per person, but as league players dropped for the second league we're going to see just how many people play in the next one.

I may also delay the next league until after Regionals, just so that we concentrate more on competitive play instead of the casual league play. And the hopes that a new kit will be available come May. Or not; I don't really relish the idea of postponing the league.