Cambridge, MN Events Information

By JerusalemJones, in Warhammer Invasion Community

The Gamers Den in Cambridge, MN, will start hosting Warhammer: Invasion tournaments starting on Saturday, November 14th at noon. We will hold tournaments every other week.

Entry fee for tournaments will be $2.50 per player (minimum four players). The winner of the event will receive a W:I Battle Pack of their choice as a prize.

When league kits become available we will be hosting leagues as well. Our official league nights will be Tuesdays.

For more information about these and other events at the Gamers Den, as well as directions, go to

I'm going to try to attend this event...the location is a bit of a drive for me but not that bad since I live in Coon Rapids.

Yeah, my day job is in Anoka, so I know about the drive. And I live 25 minutes north of the store.

Will you be getting the League kits? If so, how do they work for individual players? Does each player get a place-mat and binder and such?

I'll be bringing another friend along with me, too, if that's okay...maybe even a third. :)

Very much looking forward to this - how can we register online? Is that possible? I'd prefer not to have to drive all the way there just to register.

WE will be getting the league kits. If they are like the kits for Game of Thrones and Call of Cthulhu, they will contain 1 playmat and 1 copy of each of the two pins.

I will contact FFG to find out if we can order multiple kits. This could then change how we hold tournaments the winner could choose to take either a Battle Pack, or playmat/pin if they are available. Or else have the two pins be prizes in addition to the Battle Pack prize.

As for the league, we are fairly informal about how they work. Our general plan is that we tally games weekly, 2 points for a win and 1 point for a loss. The player at the end of each week with the most points gets the weekly vote. The player who wins the most weeks (not most points at the end of the league) is the winner of the league and gets choice of prize, followed by the second, third and fourth (one playmat, one binder and 2 pins). We have an "official" league night of alt-TUesdays, but they are not the required night for league play.

More questions, just post or contact me. I'll throw you a Friend Request.

Thanks, I have two friends who are quite excited about coming to play, too. So I should be able to bring 3 players to this upcoming tournament, at least. I'm not sure about League Play but I may also be able to bring 3 players up for it.

I really, REALLY love this game but I'm dying for new cards already, since I want more options. Which isn't to say that the Core Set isn't good enough, it is awesome, but I'd love new cards and soon!!!!

I completely agree. The game rocks, plays fast, and I'm looking forward to the Battle Packs so I can try new options. I'd like to try out more elf stuff.

Currently we have 7 players signed up for the league, and Tuesday night was an amazing night for playing Warhammer. The biggest buzz is the upcoming Battle Packs, as players can't wait until we can customize our decks with the new cards.

The league kit has been ordered, but not yet arrived. And I can order additional kits, so I am currently looking at getting a second one for the Saturday events.

Also, we will try and do some Warhammer: Invasion demo events on sunday the 15th, inconjunction with the Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play pre-release event.

How does one get signed up for your leagues and when will it start?


Signing up for the leagues is as easy as showing up and paying the $5.

Last night was the last day of week one (we started officially last Tuesday, but went through this Tuesday). Myself, instead of playing any league games I taught the game to a few new players. There were only five of us playing last night (well, four since I didn't count), and I'm pretty sure Argonel won week one. The reason I like to run the event with weekly winners is it gives players who are not local (like yourself, if you join, or the Kottke brothers who live in Blaine) a chance to earn some points on the day or days they do show up, and hopefully win a few weeks. We'll have to see how that plays out at this point, but weekly winners for the vote and prizes awarded based on # of weekly wins seems to be the most fair over straight "who has the most points." In previous leagues which were all about amassing points, if someone got way ahead of all the other players, the other players would stop playing against that person or jsut plain stopped playing. The trick with a league is striking the right balance for all players, and I think I may have finally hit upon it.

This Saturday we have an event at noon, though I won't be there and the other player I figured would be able to help out will be deer hunting. However, I will be around on the 28th for that event. And for what FFG told me the first Battle Pack should be available just before Thanksgiving, so I think the later weekend might be a better date for player turnout and prizes, though we will still run this weekend, and the winner will get the Battle Pack when we get it. I plan to order another prize kit, but until I have it in hand I don't want to use te prizes from the current kit, just in case.

Wait, so this weekend's event is probably going to be poorly attended, eh? I think we'll pass then and just play at my house rather than driving all the way up there for a tiny tournament. :(

When will you start officially running the "official" FFG tournament? That's the one I'd like to join and play in. Please let me know in here, asap!

Many thanks!!

Don't know exactly what you mean by Official. WE're running events with prizes, and following the rules sounds official to me ;) .

Early November is just a bad time, what with hunting season and all that. We'll be running the tournaments on alternate Saturdays, so the 28th will most likely be the higher attendance for the month, plus we'll have prizes by then for sure (either Battle Packs or something from the prize kit). I just wanted to give you a heads up for this weekend, as it looks to be a very small turnout 2 to 3 people tops locally. The 28th shuold have a better attendance, though we're still looking at the 5-6 local players at this point. Still, for a new game with a niche crowd those are not numbers to scoff at.

I'm referring to FFG's League Kit. I'd like to join in for playing in that "official" League Kit they're sending out. When might you guys be starting that up?

Hello? Anyone home? Jerusalem? You there?

Yeah, I'm here. Just remember that I have a day job in addition to the store, so some days I'm on the forums alot and some days I might not get online at all.

Our first league has already started. We are currently in week 2 (weeks run Wednesday through Tuesday for the league wierd, but it works with our events scheduling).

Cost to join the league is $5. You can play each opponent once per week, plus a bonus game if you play against them in a Saturday tournament. You earn 2 points for a win, 1 point for a loss.

The player with the most points wins for the week, and get the voting form for that week. If you turn them into the store, we will mail them all out as one batch.

At the end of the 8 weeks, prizes are awarded. The player who got the most weekly wins will get first choice of prize, and so forth. The kit comes with 4 prizes the playmat, 2 pins (Chaos and Empire, iirc) and a 3-ring binder.

As I said before, since we have players who travel a distance to come to the store, this is the reason we limit it to one league game per opponent per week, so as not to give an advantage to the local players (otherwise myself and Brad and Argonel could play each other pretty much daily and come up with the necessary points for one of us to win each week). Some players may attend once a week, others twice a week. Myself, I am at the store Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays in the evenings (usually after 5, sometimes a little earlier or later) and all day on most Sundays (I get one off each month, this month it is the 22nd). This is where our store's message board come sin handy, as we can usually contact the other league players to see when folks will be there - but most know my schedule so I don't usually worry about posting it. And often I am the monkey in the middle relaying messages to other players.

Hope this helps. You can always email via our store account for possibly faster access jorhonda @ (no spaces)


Very helpful. I guess I'm disappointed that it started already. I didn't even know and now I'm behind. :(

One other bummer (which isn't anyone fault really) is that living a good 20-30 minutes away makes driving up for 1 game a bit of a bummer. I guess the other bummer is $25?! Wow. What do you get for participating at least (I'd expect that participants must get something for the $25 other than playing some games, right? Or is this assumption incorrect?

Otherwise I'm unsure as to why this should cost so much? (Not saying that in a snarky way, just very confused at the high cost of playing.) If there's really no other benefit other than "you might get lucky enough to win one of the 2 prizes," then I suspect I'll not be interested. That's a lot of money when you also factor in time (on a work-night) and gas to get there. Ouch.

Quick clarification - Jerusalem, I realize my last post is a bit negative but I'm sort of bummed that the league has already started and at the cost (unless I'm missing something). I'm not mad at you or the store or anything and I'm sure you guys put a bunch of work into everything, too. Just wanted to explain that the tone of my post is more disappointment rather than snarkiness. Hope that makes sense!

Well, first off it's 5 dollars, not 25. Not sure where you got the $25 from. Unlike regular ccgs, where players are constantly buying product, there is a minimal monetary investment (some players will only buy one battle pack per expansion). The $5 helps pay for the cost of the kit (or kits, if we order multiples), as well as the time and space the store provides for playing. The $5 covers the entire league, not each week.

If you show up on Tuesdays, you will likely get several games in in the last two weeks we've had at least 4 league players on a Tuesday night.

On the other side of the coin, we had four players for the tournament on Saturday one of them was from FFG and he brought a buddy. A buddy of mine who played said they were really cool, and showed him some cards from the new battle pack,and they might show up on the 28th, depending on Thanksgiving plans. I'd like to get Nate French to show up sometime he expressed an interest in coming up for som W:I, but the question of course is when. I should probably email him our current play dates, and see when he can make it.

Oh!! Well $5 is definitely a good price. I hope I'm not too far behind in the League already though. Wish you'd posted this info before you started it!! Dangit!

Well, if you can make it up tomorrow, its the end of week two, so you're really not that far behind, And even being two weeks behind, there is a good chance that at this point there wil be two different winners for the first two weeks, making everyone still in the running to win the league.

Just wanted to remind people that there will be a Warhammer: Invasion tournament this Saturday at noon. Entry fee is $2.50 per player, and the winner will receive a copy of the latest Battle Pack.

I'll also be in attendance, and hopefully will be able to play.

The league has been going well. Argonel won week three, which gives him two wins so far in the league. The addition of the Skaven has led to some interesting deck types, and we'll have to see how they all play out.

I have to say my deck was running hot yesterday, but I think it would have been a very fun tournament even if it hadn't been. Lower turnout than I hoped/expected due to people working, but with 4 greenskin decks each match was fast and brutal. I felt a little bad playing Banna of the Red Suns on Andy, since it had been played on him every match that day. However he never collected more than 4 resources per turn for the rest of the game, so it's ability didn't trigger. I'm hoping to see a lot more opponents on 12/12.

I obviously prefer winning to losing, but at this point it is a lot of fun try different deck and playstyle concepts to see what works best for me.

What I find the most interesting about our decks was that each of the four greenskin decks were different not completely different, as the Core Set still provides for limited choices, but each of us took a different take on the build:

Argonel: Greenskins and Skaven, with no Choas or Dark Elf that I could see

LinkN: Greenskins and Chaos, without Skaven or Dark Elves

Anders: Greeskins and Skaven and Chaos and even some Dark Elf, so I think is lack of a theme led to his lack of wins

Myself: Greenskins and Dark Elves. Went 1-2, but could just have easily gone 2-1 since Argonel and I are pretty well matched up.

Had I spent more time on my Dwarf deck, I might have played that one. And I am definitely going to pick up another Core Set, as there is too much predictibility in the current meta, knowing that each Orc deck has 1 Troll Vomit, 1 Waagh and 1 Rip Der 'Eads Off.

Actually my deck was greenskins, dark elves, and skaven with attachments as a unifying theme. I don't think I ended up playing any dark elves the entire tournament though. Ditched a few as developments as well as ditching the few chaos cards I drew. There is definately a difference in what you put in your deck vs what you draw and play.

Last night three of us (Argonel, Brad and myself) played a three player game. We decided that first player couldn't draw or attack, player two could draw and attack player one but not player three, and player three could draw and attack. WE used free for all attack you could attack any player without restrictions.

Both Argonel and I played orcs, while Brad was dwarf. Nothing much happened the first two rounds, as players concentrated on their Quest and Kingdom zones, but by turn three attacks were flying. Argonel and Brad we building themselves up pretty well, and concentrated on each other. I spent at least one, perhaps two turns where I didn't attack although at the time my battlefield was pretty weak. I did attack Brad once for three power, and Argonel used his Waaugh! to give my guys extra hammers. Then on his turn he depleted Brad's Battlefield section after my attack weakened it and destroyed his defender.

Eventually Argonel eliminated Brad from the game, and it was down to the two of us. I don't remember exactly how it went down but I do remember attacking and burning one of his zones, defending his attack to keep me in the game, and then on my last turn destroying his developments in the Kingdom zone for the win.

I suspect that when the Elves expansion releases we'll get some multi-player rules, but these are working fine. After we play a few more games we'll probably get some of the kinks worked out, and the strategies for how to effectively play mp.