Well I responded to a post making the claim that no one is saying that Instigator negates Heavy . His rebuttal to my post is to say the Instigator is negating Heavy . You're not seeing how I might find that a bit amusing?
I said nothing of the sort. Instigator dosn't negate HEAVY. The HEAVY power works just fine. It simply dosn't work like you think it does. HEAVY is not a magic "I don't get attacked" quality.
The phantom squadrons created by the Instigator title causes the enemy squadron to have to attack a "real" squadron even if that "real" squadron is Heavy or put more succinctly Instigator negates the Heavy keyword.
The phantom squadrons cause the Engaged conditions. So do real squadrons. Do real squadrons negate HEAVY?
If we imagined a ship that caused the Engaged condition at a range of 2, it could cause the same situation. Engaged, must attack squadrons. Only squadrons in range are HEAVY. Would that ability negate HEAVY?
Heavy squadron, Instigator friendly to Heavy squadron, and unfriendly squadron . Despite the prior three circumstances the Unfriendly squadron MUST attack the Heavy squadron?!? Because it is an "actual squadron?"
By jove, I think you're starting to get it.
How is the engagement created by Instigator forcing you to attack a squadron that specifically says squadrons aren't forced to attack it?
that's not what HEAVY says. It doesn't say that squadron's CAN'T be forced to attack it, just that this exact ship doesn't do the forcing.