Call of Cthulhu vintage cards on eBay:
Call of Cthulhu vintage cards on eBay:
UP 8-) one day left
few hours left
dont see much point as they are black borders with no oficial word on their use unless your collecting or playing with freinds, the same ccg/lcg mix, i was going to have about 10 of them, but thought i would buy a few ap packs first
darknight said:
dont see much point as they are black borders with no oficial word on their use unless your collecting or playing with freinds, the same ccg/lcg mix, i was going to have about 10 of them, but thought i would buy a few ap packs first
If you have no intention to participate in the Worlds final: black border is legal as white border cards!
Simply take cards from LCG as another expansion of CCG.
If you play sanctioned tournaments, depends on the servitor... I allow new players to enter the game with LCG only tournaments, but inviting them to play against CCG decks in Legacy tournaments, which allow old players play their stuff, and new player to surf in the bulk pool of black border cards ;-)
Enjoy playing any!
well as my posted official letter states, its a white border only for FFG legal events, but as i did say as well, me and the missus play a mix of both as it dosent matter that way, like you say, depends on where or whom you play