Expansion? When, what and how?

By mitchjmiller, in Runebound

Hey guys,

Just said I'd throw this out there. I know it's quite soon to be thinking of expansions but I'm curious :-)

How soon after release do the first expansions usually release with ffg? Would it be early 2016, late 2016 or even later than that?

Also, what do you think we can expect, or what would you like to see?

Personally I'd like more scenarios, and their associated story cards and adventures. It's pretty obvious that these would be included, but do you think they'd have an expansion themed around a single scenario, and have multiple scenarios in a single expansion? My preference would be the latter :-)

Additional items and skills are also "on the cards" ;-) The rules already suggest new item sets based on their prefixes. (We have A, B and C in the base game). Not sure I'd be uber excited about masses of new items. There are already tonnes in the game as it is! So unless they add some cool surge abilities or new mechanics, I'm not sure any more than a single additional set is exciting.

On that note, what other kind of mechanics could they add to the game?

Conditions?E.g. bleeding, cripple etc.

Extending the map? South border is open in this sense?

What are your thoughts?

Core set is mostly a skeleton for the game; I'm expecting to see more meat to be added to the RuneBones we now have, and in not too a long time. Hence, somewhere in the first half of 2016, I hope?

As for what I'd like to see: more scenarios and more heroes, but mostly more scenarios. The core set board is huge and Margath and Vorakesh are just scratching my itch for adventures; I want more of everything :D

And then I'd love to see a big box expansion with a new map and all the rest, but with calm. Let's first go deeper in what we have, shall we?

Also: I'd love to have a coop scenario :)

They definitely need more heroes. There are not enough to allow our group to pick heroes of a gender they want to play.

Room for more players would be useful too.

Look at how Descent expansions work that will probably be the most accurate.

They have both major and minor expansions, as well as hero/monster packs. possible lieutenant packs for bosses giving a miniature and more story cards.

But here are some possibilities:

1) New Heroes

2) New Monsters to add to decks.

3) Items and tokens.

4) New bosses and story deck
5) Something I call "Global Quests", quests that are put out on the board for all players to complete, first one there is the first one that gets it. Like possible roaming monsters or a hidden away magic item.

6) Co-Op, technically you can make this happen now, just play monsters to the best of your ability regardless. Just up end boss health too.

7) Lieutenant packs

8) Hoping for player mats, also Descent needs to make this happen.

9) Class specific skill decks. Instead of generic skills all can get decks specialized to a certain play-style (similar to the Descent class decks).

10) Something to remove PVP from the game. (See 6).

On a more light hearted note for possible future expansion:

As a possible future scenario, would like to see something similar to Elderscrolls Oblivion. Where gates start popping up all over Terrinoth and adventurers have to close them. Or Runebound:Pandemic where the horsemen of Disease starts infecting cities and shrines players have to go out and destroy other monsters and search for cures.

11) Something that can modify the time track, like an adventure that will take 4 traversals of the time track.

Not sure hero & monster packs would really work in Runebound... In descent it was all about the miniatures but in runebound you only have minis for the heroes so the packs would only have 3 minis instead of 7-8 and would be smaller too. Probably not worth the effort.

Lieutenant packs would be a possibility, but I honestly think villian minis should have been included in the base set. In descent its arguable given the lieutenants were only present for maybe 1-2 quests in the entire campaign but in runebound they're present for at least half of every game.

Also, number 5 already exists in the form of story quests. I would say they could have been s bit better but the system is there for more interactive story quests.

Not sure hero & monster packs would really work in Runebound... In descent it was all about the miniatures but in runebound you only have minis for the heroes so the packs would only have 3 minis instead of 7-8 and would be smaller too. Probably not worth the effort.

Well, they could add a Scenario exclusive of each new hero? Or cards (new skills, new items, new something?)

Not sure hero & monster packs would really work in Runebound... In descent it was all about the miniatures but in runebound you only have minis for the heroes so the packs would only have 3 minis instead of 7-8 and would be smaller too. Probably not worth the effort.

Well, they could add a Scenario exclusive of each new hero? Or cards (new skills, new items, new something?)

The heroes would be easy, new hero mini and new "card". The Monsters would just be cards themselves that would mix in a different 10 monsters, quests, social, that you would be able to swap out with the existing decks. Perhaps allowing you to weed out that pesky PVP stuff.

Heck that may even be how the "half" expansions come out. Set of hero figures, their hero cards, new boss, and thier 3 decks, and story. Put it all in a blister pack, it will not take up much room.

So essentially a scenario pack then.

That's something I could get behind alright :-)

Edited by mitchjmiller

I haven't noticed any real PVP stuff. And certainly nothing that really screws over the other players, most of what is there is more interaction and not really a versus situation. And even those are optional and even give the other player a chance to get the reward. I just don't see PVP as an issue or problem at all in this edition.

I'd love to see more scenarios. And maybe more than that, I'd like to see different ways to win, even the current scenarios. I read in some post/review a vision that it'd be nice if each adventure type would also be a victory type. For example, traveling around the world gathering troops and allies that would help in the fight against the villain or gathering enough dragon runes/whatever to win the fight. And then the pure fight approach that's there now. I think that could give new life to the already present scenarios.

Of course balancing three different victory types for every scenario is not something that's easy. But I'd like to see it. Or I'd like to see alternate ways to win even in a single new scenario.

I like the idea of different win conditions actually. One thing I really like about the game are the multiple paths you can take (killing monsters, exploring the map with explorations quests, buying and selling goods to buy gear etc.), but its a pity that the end goal is essentially "go here, kill thing". So it all boils down to combat strength at the end of the day.

As you said, I'd love some scenarios that move away from this but thinking of examples is hard.

You could have a collections style approach, where all the heroes are trying to collect a number of items, and first to collect them all wins. This could encourage more interactions between the players as they race around trying to collect certain items before the others, or even fight each other in hopes of stealing the items they have collected. It wouldn't have to be full on PvP combat, but would make it feel less like an afterthought.

You could build it into the adventure cards, where you need to dig through the decks to find certain items, some would require killing monsters to get the items off them, others could be real exploration quests to find items hidden on the map. You could even have duplicates so it opens up the possibility of trading with other players too.

Another option would be to have multiple villians in a single scenario. E.g. multiple bandits raiding the cities or something and all of them need to be eliminated to win. This would obviously lean more towards a coop approach.

There are options and I hope FFG include a few of these approaches in the expansion designs :)

Edited by mitchjmiller

That's one of the things I like about the new design is that it seems to be designed specifically with expansion material in mind.

I'm beginning to think that FFG won't support this either. It got horrible reviews, and didnt sell well (though the reviews being bad came from the fact that this needs expansions. go figure.)

I'm beginning to think that FFG won't support this either. It got horrible reviews, and didnt sell well (though the reviews being bad came from the fact that this needs expansions. go figure.)

I don't know about horrible reviews. Most reviews I've read rate this game as good to very good. Downtime when playing with 3 players and up seems to be this game main weakness.

I too can't wait to add to the experience and I expect some news in the coming weeks and a first expansion available by june/july.

Edited by ropoflu

I'm beginning to think that FFG won't support this either. It got horrible reviews, and didnt sell well (though the reviews being bad came from the fact that this needs expansions. go figure.)

I don't know about horrible reviews. Most reviews I've read rate this game as good to very good. Downtime when playing with 3 players and up seems to be this game main weakness.

I too can't wait to add to the experience and I expect some news in the coming weeks and a first expansion available by june/july.

I hope so.

When they do release the first expansion they really need to hit the nail on the head. I still love the concept of the game, but in practice I don't get as much out of it as I really want to.

I feel the lack of scenarios is its major downfall at the moment and if the expansion includes a small handful of new ones then it will be a major improvement to the game.

Sure you can add some new heroes, items, skills etc. but I'd be much happier with new adventures. If they released an expansion which included nothing but scenarios I think I'd be happier than an expansion with only one new scenario but a bunch of new items etc.

I do agree that the downtime with more players is a sore spot, I only really consider this a 2-3 player game as a result. I might try a game where every one just performs their turn simultaneously. Turnsrarely conflict, and when they potentially can, then you could revert to turn order again, but generally I don't think it would be an issue.

I would like a PVP expansion, and also more female characters.

I would like a PVP expansion, and also more female characters.

If you want female characters, play games like Ashes:Rise of the Phoenixborn (which is an excellent game, if you like LCGs, and the few male phoenixborn are either unreleased (Rin, Brennan), pathetic (Noah), or squishy(Coal)). I hardly think that gender should be part of the design criteria. But yes, I do agree that game characters should not be male dominated. In my game I am working on, there is about an even mix, so as to make it sell better in the future.

I would love to see a conversion kit to use Descent 2nd Ed. heroes in RB. Should be cheap production-wise, and would bring TONS of new characters.

So they will lose a lot of occasions to make profit on already existing characters, and they will be forced after releasing such a kit, to create new characters for the standard expansions. I don't see this coming. I believe we'll certainly see heroes from Descent (both 1st and 2nd edition) coming to Runebound, but within standard expansions

I'd love a conversion kit for the Descent minis.

They did it for Descent v1, so why not Runebound?

Not sure how well it would work though; for the Descent conversion kit they simply only needed to include hero sheets and monster cards.

For Runebound they'd need to make combat tokens for each character which would up the cost significantly I'd imagine, which would make it less appealing to those who don't have a lot of the Descent minis (like me, I have base set and two H&M packs worth, so a conversion kit with combat tokens for all existing heroes wouldn't be cost effective for me).

Still though, I like the concept.

Could always design your own hero sheets for the Descent heroes and just reuse combat tokens from another hero that matches their stats/abilities?

I'd be interested in seeing some fan made content like that.

I'm beginning to think that FFG won't support this either. It got horrible reviews, and didnt sell well (though the reviews being bad came from the fact that this needs expansions. go figure.)

Just out of curiosity, how do you know the game didn't sell well? I didn't realize that FFG released that kind of information. As for the reviews, most I read were positive. The biggest complaint outside of the need for expansions was the downtime of players when there are three or more players.

I enjoy the game quite a bit, and am looking forward to expansions.

what they could do is..just redo a lot of the stuff they released for the second edition..would save money and time.there was a hell of a lot of great stuff released for the second edition..

but if not,then needs more scenarios/villain bosses/stories.i would think more heroes are well down the "to do" list..i mean just use minis from descent or dungeonquest..and im sure it would be easy enough to make a template card for them