@talismanisland, @Lorinor
Very true. I suppose I was exaggerating a bit in lieu of all players who play this game, however in regards to our gaming sessions, it has been the case that particular player(s) did not have enough time to catch up due to a critical component of the game gone missing. My only gripe with that is Talisman to me is usually a very close game, where everyone generally gets close to the same power level around the same time and its a mad dash to the Crown of Command with only one player being completely left out due to lack of power, this versus your typical Monopoly or RISK setup where one player dominates and the rest of the game the other players just roll dice knowing the game is basically already over for them... I don't care too much for the latter style of play, but this is what happened to our gaming group twice due to terrains so, "game-ender" is a relevant term I suppose. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy them, and they helped me win both of those times I mentioned , however I feel they could be balanced better is all I'm saying. Time will tell.