Question about Staging Ground

By Ash_Durant, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest - Rules Questions

Today at our local tournament we had a discussion about the card Staging Ground.

The AM player said the units could be deployed for free, while another player stated you only get the right to play units with cost of 2 or lower outside of the deployment phase.

Sofar only Ambush Platform states that you get a cost reduction of one.

If I read the rules correctly deploying still means by paying the cost contrary to Drop Pod which says put into play, rather then deploy.

What is the correct ruling on this?

Learn To Play Guide, p. 6:

" Deploying a Card

Any card being deployed must be paid for by paying its resource cost. A player does this by transferring a number of resource tokens equal to the card’s cost from his resource pool to the token bank."

So yes, by specifically saying you may deploy the card -- as opposed to "putting it into play" -- Staging Ground does not let you take units from your had and put them into play for free. You have to pay the unit's resource cost when you trigger Staging Ground.