Battle Systems Compatibility / 3D conversion terrain for Descent

By Malev Da Shinobi, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey ya'll. Wondering if anyone has had any experience with BattleSystems?

I'm wondering if you could convert square per square equivalent maps using the mat and terrain. The scale on some of the furniture seems right, but Descents tiles are printed rather small - and some of them feature a mixture of outdoors and indoors environments. Eitherway, I've been eyeing both their sci fi set, and fantasy set for awhile now for use with IA and Descent.


Much Peace,


Tough it looks cool to play on a 3d terrain, it makes the things even hard. More stuff to assemble...besides, hardly you'll find the right scheme for the descent quests. I'd go for that to play home made adventures, or D&D. My opinion, only.

There are not to my knowledge any custom rules regarding line of sight or space counting in 3D. You could set up a 2D map with 3D walls if you wanted, but beyond that I do not know of any such adaptation.