So, one of my players acquired a best craftsmanship Auspex and I'm in need of suggestions for what it might do besides just look extra nice and almost never break down.
Any help will be appreciated.
So, one of my players acquired a best craftsmanship Auspex and I'm in need of suggestions for what it might do besides just look extra nice and almost never break down.
Any help will be appreciated.
Good Quality: Range 75m, Penetrate 75cm of material, store Signals and recall them later
Best Quality: Range 100m, Penetrate 100cm of material, store Signals and recall them later, small database of known (strange) signals
But while we are at it...what to do with Good and Best Quality Plasma and Flame weapons???
Santiago said:
Good Quality: Range 75m, Penetrate 75cm of material, store Signals and recall them later
Best Quality: Range 100m, Penetrate 100cm of material, store Signals and recall them later, small database of known (strange) signals
But while we are at it...what to do with Good and Best Quality Plasma and Flame weapons???
Best Quality Plasma weapons could have a Vapourisation rule like the Ryza Pattern Plasma Battery, Flame weapons could Incinerate. Still thinking of a solid rule for in game, have a few ideas, I will post the best later.
Santiago said:
But while we are at it...what to do with Good and Best Quality Plasma and Flame weapons???
A good or best quality plasma weapon already has a serious advantage - Reliable is a great boon on a weapon that overheats, and best-quality ranged weapons never jam or overheat. A plasma gun that doesn't overheat is something worth considering...
Flame weapons... I'd increase the range by 50% for Good quality, and double it for Best quality.
Flame weapons still jam so just use the normal ranged weapon rules for high quality gear. (Ref p115 second paragraph of the flame description)
As for the scanner I'd rather increase the bonus on Awareness use tests than increase range, somthing like +25 for good and +30 for best quality, though as the book says that sort of thing is up to the GM so YMMV.
The base concept for craftmanship seems to be:
Poor: -5% to use. prone to breakage
Good: +5% to use, normal becomes Reliable, Unreliable becomes normal and equipment is less prone to breakage.
Best: +10% to use, +1 to effect (damage, degrees of success, etc.) almost never fails.
So for an Auspex, I would say a best quality one would have a +10% to use and have it gain an automatic level of success in addition to any gained on a successful roll.
Best Plasma weapons are easy. +10% to hit, +1 damage. Overheating has nothing to do with reliability, but I would move the overheat chance from a 91+ to a 96+ (the same as a normal weapon's jam chance) to reflect the increased craftsmanship.
The Best Quality Bonus of +5 or 10% to hit and +1 to Damage is only for melee weapons
Luther said:
Best Plasma weapons are easy. +10% to hit, +1 damage. Overheating has nothing to do with reliability, but I would move the overheat chance from a 91+ to a 96+ (the same as a normal weapon's jam chance) to reflect the increased craftsmanship.
As Santiago said, the bonuses to hit and damage apply to melee weapons only. Best Craftsmanship weapons are specifically stated as not jamming or overheating in the sidebar on page 115, and the entry for the overheats quality essentially states it to be an alternate consequence of jamming (weapons with the Overheat quality overheat whenever they would otherwise jam). I think it's safe to say that things that influence reliability affect overheating as well (except the Unreliable quality, as Overheat weapons already 'jam' on a 91+).
Best crafted groxwhip with mono for the win