First character

By Mnemonaut, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Hi there,

having played the first two incarnations of WFRP a while ago I'm now getting into the 3rd Edition of the game. I plan to play a Reiklander Hunter as my first career. Now I'm looking for some good Ranged Action Cards for that character. Accurate Shot and ***** in the Armour seem pretty decent. Or Sniper Shot (assuming critical damage is worth it). Later maybe Close-Quarters Shot and/or Rapid Fire?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

Edited by Mnemonaut

Ahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! The swear filter blocked out ch*nk.

BAD Mnemonaut, that kind of language is wrong.

ranged actions, hmmm, see if you can get your slimey hands on omens of war, the enhance cards in that will do you no end of help.

Consider "find weakness" as well. You're sacrificing an attack, but to remove difficulty from an attack? YES. PLEASE. Only works at medium range though. Also, don't forget defences. Try and get improved dodge as well.

Finally, try not to have more than three or four attack actions. You'll not really got much more use out of them than that.

As to which action you should pick? Go with your gut. (Racist slur) in the armour is nice because it ignores a chunk of armour and can be handy if you want move into a non-combat career. Haven't checked the others.

I'm sorry but since English is not my first language I didn't know. Didn't mean to offend anyone.

Sorry! You didn't offend anyone! It's not your fault at all, it's just the stupid swear filter on this board won't let you write it. I thought it was very funny.

Heh, I was wondering why it said *** in the Armour. Hilarious :D

Anyway, I had a hunter in my group who found Sniper Shot completely useless. He was expecting to use it for long range sneak attacks or something, but it has a really short range and not particularly impressive damage.

Note that Criticals are generally a lot more dangerous for players than for NPCs. Many criticals have effects that don't mean anything in combat but it will threaten to kill the character long term.

Edited by Ralzar

A lot of the time I prefer to apply the crit value as extra damage, because bad guys should be worried about crits too...

Heh, I was wondering why it said *** in the Armour. Hilarious :D

Anyway, I had a hunter in my group who found Sniper Shot completely useless. He was expecting to use it for long range sneak attacks or something, but it has a really short range and not particularly impressive damage.

Note that Criticals are generally a lot more dangerous for players than for NPCs. Many criticals have effects that don't mean anything in combat but it will threaten to kill the character long term.

I see. And did your Hunter player find another more useful Action for his ranged attacks?

Pinning shot is good if you want to piss your GM off...

Yep, dat rapid fire.

Didn't they replace those cards in the players vault?

Couldn't tell you. I don't think so though. Having bought the player's vault and not having seen any repeated cards other than the basic ones.

I agree, I don't think they ever printed the errata cards.

Our archer liked these actions:

  • Accurate Shot: early on, the ability to add a couple of white to the check often made the difference between hitting and missing.
  • Extreme Shot: as that was good in the beginning of combat encounters, when no one else had the range to do damage.
  • Sniper Shot: Beeing able to ignore armour soak on the reckless side and the comet result for damage on the conservative side were really great.
  • Close-Quarter Shot: To get out of troubble when an enemy had engaged.

My gaming group loves criticals. Certainly some criticals only have minor effect on the enemy, but some can be really great.

Those cited above are the ones I've seen the tricked out elven Archer in my campaign use, with the epic Archer's Paradox.

Pinning Shot, like Reckless Cleave, is something to remove from the game really, or redesign.

Edited by valvorik

I would be inclined to swap "Can't move at all" with the entangled condition for pinning shot. I was speaking from experience with it being able to drive you r GM mad, I was the GM in this case.

I agree, I don't think they ever printed the errata cards.

Our archer liked these actions:

  • Accurate Shot: early on, the ability to add a couple of white to the check often made the difference between hitting and missing.
  • Extreme Shot: as that was good in the beginning of combat encounters, when no one else had the range to do damage.
  • Sniper Shot: Beeing able to ignore armour soak on the reckless side and the comet result for damage on the conservative side were really great.
  • Close-Quarter Shot: To get out of troubble when an enemy had engaged.

My gaming group loves criticals. Certainly some criticals only have minor effect on the enemy, but some can be really great.

Thank you for the advices guys. You helped a lot. We will start our WFRP campaign tomorrow.

Regarding the Accurate Shot Action: Is it a solid choice even if my character with Agility 4 is trained in the Ballistic Skill and has a Specialisation with the Bow? The extra fortune dice seem like too much.

Thank you for the advices guys. You helped a lot. We will start our WFRP campaign tomorrow.

Regarding the Accurate Shot Action: Is it a solid choice even if my character with Agility 4 is trained in the Ballistic Skill and has a Specialisation with the Bow? The extra fortune dice seem like too much.

Most of the time Accurate Shot might not be the first choice with AG 4 + trained balistic skill + specialization. But still when facing an opponent with some a high number of defence dice and maybe a block and/or dodge action it might be nice to be able to add a few fortune dice. Also, consider the conservative (green) side of the card has an excellent comet result, so you deal +2 damage per stress (so +4 in total), which is a lot of damage in this game in fact. The conservative side also has a good result for two boons, so you to recover one of the suffered stress. That you have a lot of good dice from the start only means that you have a higher probability to score those good results. So it's still a great action, especially if you're thinking of going conservative when using it.