I've been reworking the rebel AI, but I havnt copied the sidebar text over.
Enemy AI:
When a Ywing uses a maneuver with a (bomb) icon, it drops a bomb before moving.
Rebels always lose inititive
Targeting priority is "In Arc", "Furthest within range 3", "Closest"
Action trees:
*) Awings get free focus
1) If Strike Target is in range/arc, Target lock (except Awing)
2) **Boost/barrelroll to dodge arc (if actions are available)
3) If no enemy has a shot on it, Target lock (closest in arc or furthest within range 3)
4) **Boost/barrel roll to get a shot (if actions are available)
5) Focus (Awing Evades)
When an Ywing or Bwing is shields down with 3 or less hull, (or Xwing/HWK at 2 hull, or Awing at 1 hull) it will attempt to hyperspace just before it shoots. Roll 2 red dice, if it gets 2 hits or crits (or focus if it has a focus token), it escapes to hyperspace- remove it from the field, nobody gets kill XP. If it fails to hyperspace, the ship resumes firing as normal, and will try again next turn.
Still so many K-turns on the Xwings. I thought SaltedDiamond explained it was K-turning more than anything else (which is terribly dumb) for the games he tried this AI movement chart.
The Ai chart you have though it good. Lokks very solid,especially with the free Focus on the Awing...it really needs the free focus!