RTL New start of campaign - I need "Tips for the heroes"

By player_2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello everybody!

We have been playing Descent for quite a while and start a campaign by now.

Our OL is very fit and he is in the forum all the time. He probably knows all the tricks and tips for the OL to win a campaign.

So where are all the experienced heroes, who share their wisdom with me to give the OL a hard time?

My group of rookie heroes need your help!

Thanks a lot!

1. Pick your heroes together. If everyone just grabs the one they like the best you could end up fighting over weapons or without a magic character.

2. Don't give up XP to the OL easily. The third level of a dungeon is rarely worth it unless you're in a rumor. You get double gold and XP, but the OL has had a ton of time to build up a nice hand, lots of threat, and good Power cards. also, the longer it takes for him to bump his primary monsters to silver the happier you'll be.

3. If you're going to flee a dungeon, wait a turn or more in town. Anyone at full health can shop if you haven't already. If you haven't visited the alchemist that week you can go there as well. Anyone wounded can heal up to full rather than waiting around in town to do it.

4. If at all possible, rest before walking through the portal. If you take a rest order and step though, you're immune to harm until the start of your next turn, so guaranteed to not lose your order.

5. Buy your skills carefully. For example, if someone pulls Rapid Fire they should get Master Archer, no matter how much the other ranged character thinks it's worth it. Save the skills that grant bonus damage (like Inner Fire) for the Magic character, even though they also apply to Ranged attacks. Their benefit will be multiplied whenever the wizard uses a blast or breath rune.

6. Don't be afraid of encounters. They're pretty easy, and usually only dangerous if you get ambushed. Even then you'll usually win and get a nice chunk of treasure.

7. Don't forget that you get 1xp just for stopping on top of a dungeon you've never been to. It's not much, but it helps to compensate for the 1 per turn that the OL gets.

8. Power potions are good. They're not all that great in vanilla, but they're boss killers in RtL because they can give you silver and gold dice.

9. Fatigue potions are great. Even moreso than in vanilla, a fatigue potion can be amazing. With the ability to pick from awider range of characters and buy your own skills its possible that by gold level your runner could have 7 speed and 10 fatigue, giving them 26 movement points if they drink a fatigue potion. It could actually be higher.

10. When you get to level 2 of a dungeon, appraise it before doing anything. Look at how many cards the OL has, how much threat, how many treasures there are, what the opposition is, and what power cards are in play. If it's too dangerous, go back to town to heal and then flee. If there are good reward, you can leave your runner behind to sprint around grabbing things and have everyone else head back to Tamalir. The only reasons to press on and try to clear an entire second level are if you're in a special dungeon (rumor or legendary area), or if there is a character for whom the added XP and/or money will allow them to train immediately.

11. Be sure not to miss out on the secret training once per tier. Everything else except the legendary areas can wait.

12. Know the monsters. www.boardgamegeek.com/filepage/38459 has stats for the monsters at all four tiers. Forgetting that the OL's skeletons just bumped their range, damage, and survivability when deciding whether to press on can be an easy 10xp for him and a demoralizing blow for you.

Place any rumors you get along your intended path of travel, and then go to them in preference of a normal dungeon. Otherwise, you'll just end up with a rumor in a random area of the map you aren't going to be headed to.

Always have a back-up for your weapons, or armor if you are a tank as soon as the OL buys event treachery.

Get Wind Pact, Leadership. Shadow Soul, and Boggs the Rat.

Consider Pickpocket, but only at the beginning of the campaign (ie, copper level).

Never underestimate blast weapons and Battle


Good Tips. Thank you very much.

One more question:

If I flee out of a dungeon, I am back in Tamalir.

How can I travel a longer distance and still have the option to flee?


The Staff of the Wild will help by letting you go two trails per week, but that's about it.