Simultaneous death - collect reward

By Old Man, in Runebound

Hi all,

Mid-way through our 2nd run of 3rd ed and had a Q. I was playing Master Thorn fightning an Ogre. I triggered Mind Meld. The Ogre does enough damage to kill me. Mind Meld does enough damage in return to kill him. Do I get the reward?


Old Man

No, You have to take damage first and then give it back.
If Ogre defeats You, the battle is ending right away with no reward.

I'd agree.

For mind meld to trigger you need to take the damage before it deals damage back.

Because combat ends immediately when you're defeated, the combat will end before mind meld triggers and as such you will not have defeated the ogre, and so you get no reward.

I came across a similar scenario against Margath which is a little more gut wrenching. So close!

What they said. It's even worded that way iirc, something along the lines of "after you take damage" or the like (don't have the game and can't find an image of the character).

I recall wondering the same thing, then reading my ability and the ability making it pretty clear the damage comes after the enemy deals it, in which case I'm already defeated.