50 Person, 2 Day Tournament, Indianapolis, IN

By mikemcmann, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Missed ya lyraeus!

I feel confident it'll be more often than once a year! :) .

Great fun and a great group of guys (and ladies!) ;)

Absolutely will do!

Missed ya lyraeus!

I feel confident it'll be more often than once a year! :) .

Great fun and a great group of guys (and ladies!) ;)

Money got a bit tight. Give me more of a lead up time and I can do it!

Tip. Start saving now. Do t touch the money. Even if wave 3 has everything you want. Lol

Great fun has been had. :-D

Missed ya lyraeus!

I feel confident it'll be more often than once a year! :) .

Great fun and a great group of guys (and ladies!) ;)

Money got a bit tight. Give me more of a lead up time and I can do it!

Tip. Start saving now. Do t touch the money. Even if wave 3 has everything you want. Lol

Great fun has been had. :-D

I play Dropzone Commander, getting into Dropfleet Commander, and I play Armada. Thankfully I make enough money. Remember I need to fly in and there are other tournaments I want to go to. Like Nationals. If I can win Nationals I will be able to attend worlds. . . Then my goal will be in reach!

Great tournament to all involved - Shane the store owner, Mike the organizer, and all the great competition. If I did the math right, 2 points meant I finished 6th instead of 3rd. I can point to 3 of my own mistakes that would have changed results for me. Very close competition at the top for sure, and the game is definitely unforgiving of mistakes. There were very few 10-0 games, and there was at least one 6-4 or 5-5 game for much of the top 10.

Great tournament to all involved - Shane the store owner, Mike the organizer, and all the great competition. If I did the math right, 2 points meant I finished 6th instead of 3rd. I can point to 3 of my own mistakes that would have changed results for me. Very close competition at the top for sure, and the game is definitely unforgiving of mistakes. There were very few 10-0 games, and there was at least one 6-4 or 5-5 game for much of the top 10.

How many guys ended up showing up?

Yes and is anyone doing an AAR on this tournament? I would really like to see the results, thanks!

They're certainly all Armada hungover today, if not hungover in the traditional sense. While I don't expect a big write up soon, I 'm also eagerly awaiting some good reports.

We had 43 day one and some less day two (some couldn't play both days and we had 5 or 6 new players that wanted to just participate day one)

It was great fun! Loved meeting everyone!

The top five or six spots were only separated by a point or two total. It was a close run thing all tournament. No blowouts at all :)

Here's my report of my games. I went 9-1, 3-7 (2nd place), 9-1, 5-5 (3rd place), and 7-3 (Mike, 7th place?). A few of my matches are still up at http://periscope.tv/mbohlmann

My fleet (388 points gave me 1st player in all my games)

CR90 Corellian Corvette A - CR90 Corellian Corvette (44) - Admiral Ackbar (38) - Lando Calrissian (4) - Electronic Countermeasures (7) - Jaina's Light (2)
CR90 Corellian Corvette A - CR90 Corellian Corvette (44) - Intel Officer (7) - Electronic Countermeasures (7) - Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7)
MC30c Scout Frigate - MC30c (69) - Walex Blissex (5) - Ordnance Experts (4) - Assault Concussion Missiles (7) - Admonition (8)
MC30c Scout Frigate - MC30c (69) - Redundant Shields (8) - Assault Concussion Missiles (7) - Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7)
4x A-wing Squadron - A-wing (11 each)
Objectives - Most Wanted - Hyperspace Assault - Dangerous Territory

First game vs. Motti ISD+VSD+squadrons, Most Wanted

He picked my generic MC30c and his ISD for the Most Wanted ships. He came in with only 3 games of experience, and I never would have known had he not said something. He flew them pretty well, vaporizing my Most Wanted ship on turn 2 with a perfect roll - four accuracies, 7 damage from 4 red, 5 blue dice. My A-Wings did their job of keeping his squadrons pretty tied up. Since I spam Maneuver commands for the extra yaw, Admonition flew very well and obliterated the VSD on its way to destroying the ISD with double-arc positioning. This match had one of my two 10-damage plus ACM rolls in the tournament. I cleared 500 points, but his killing of my Most Wanted still meant only a 9-1 victory.

Second game vs. Reiken AF+AF+Yavaris+Squadrons, Most Wanted

Both of his AF's had Boosted Comms, and his squadrons were mostly X-Wings and Scurrgs. He chose an AF and my generic MC30c as the Most Wanted ships. I made one definite mistake and possibly two mistakes. The first possible mistake was deploying my MC30s too far to one side. While I don't plan for them to engage until turn 3 or later usually, I think one of them didn't get any shots until turn 5. The definite mistake I made was flying my Most Wanted ship off the board by getting greedy. I saw a broadside coming up so I put down a Concentrate Fire command rather than a Maneuver. That meant I couldn't make the turn to stay on the board. If not for that, it could have been a 5-5 or possibly 6-4 in my favor. As an avid Yavaris player, I know its threat range pretty well and avoided all but a couple double-taps.

Third game vs. Vader ISD+ISD+squadrons, Fire Lanes

With him only having two ships and Gunnery Team and Minefields as my only two options, I decided to take the risk with Fire Lanes thinking that perhaps he wouldn't know what to do with it. He knew exactly what to do with it and scored all 3 objectives for 4 turns (might have been 3). His squadrons were also an anti-squadron screen, so we didn't do much to each other. With faster, more maneuverable ships, I was able to get beyond his front arcs and into his rear arcs including a double-arc shot from Admonition on the way into him. By turn 4, he was clearly trying to run away. TRC allowed me to get him a couple face-up damage cards, including the one that gives an extra damage when you overlap an obstacle or ship. With his ISDs close to each other, one got ahead of the other and had to make a turn to avoid going off the board. That caused the one with the face-up to both ram and overlap a debris field: 5 damage and enough to kill it. The second one died to the wonderful aim of a TRC-enhanced CR90. I won 9-1 after scoring the objectives for at least the last two turns and not losing a single capital ship.

Fourth game vs. Mothma CR90+Yavaris+MC30+MC30+squadrons, Contested Outpost

My opponent announced pretty early that he was playing for a draw based on my fleet and wanting to finish in the Top 10. His Admonition escaped with 3 damage after 3 intentional collisions - can't use its ability on those. ;) Yavaris didn't get off a single double-tap that I can recall, perhaps because it died on turn 3 before it had a chance to do so. I made two critical mistakes though. One was shooting at Mothma's side arc when I had a front arc shot which had no shields. With the accuracy I rolled, I could have prevented a redirect and would have either killed her or been just one damage short. The other mistake I made was trying to go for more kill points instead of Contest Outpost points. I ended up being too fast to make the turns around the station and ended up scoring it only twice instead of potentially four times. The A-Wings proved potent as they were able to put dents into Yavaris's side arc so that other ships could finish it off. In the end, I lost the game by 23 points, good enough for a 5-5 draw though in a very good game. With better targeting or maneuvering, I might have gotten 6-4 or possibly even 7-3.

Fifth game vs. Akbar AF+AF+Raymus/Tantiv IV, Most Wanted

Both of his AF's had Boosted Comms, and his squadrons were mostly Y-Wings with Jan and a couple X-Wings. He chose Admonition and one of his AF's as the Most Wanted ships. I moved Akbar's CR90 a little too aggressively, and it was clear he was going to die on turn 4 during Mike's first activation. On turn 3 with my last activation, Admonition was able to go to speed 4 and end up in the best position of the whole tournament: arcs on all 3 of his ships at black range. His Akbar was on the Tantiv IV, so I took the first shot with Admonition there because killing Akbar would mean a lot fewer dice for his fleet. With my A-wings successfully tying down his bombers, his carrier ships were also on the verge of outpacing most of them. I rolled the dice for Admonition against Akbar's CR90 and got the single accuracy that I needed to prevent Redirect. I think it was 8 damage from 7 dice. Admonition's second broadside was against his Most Wanted ship - 4 blacks plus 4 reds. The reds ended up being 3/4 blank, and I didn't get a single black crit even with Ordnance Experts for a re-roll. He was hurting though. Eventually, my generic MC30 positioned for a double-arc on the Most Wanted ship to finish it off and giving me a 7-3 victory.

Things I learned

From what I saw my list do to other people's ships, you need ECM on a CR90 if it's carrying your admiral. You're inviting disaster if you really need their ability. I carried Lando for extra insurance, but I only used it once - against a black Bomber that only needed one damage to kill Akbar's CR90.

Something I learned about double MC30 tactics in the last match is that you want to deploy them on opposite sides of your fleet and send them on intersecting courses. Your opponent is going to try to run away from them, and this tactic will prevent them from running away from both.

With the Maneuver orders on the MC30s, I was able to line up double-arc shots quite often. Because of this, there were more times that I wished I had Mon Mothma than Akbar. This could also mean that Ordnance Experts + Advanced Proton Torpedoes is a better combination than OE + Advanced Concussion Missiles.

TRC on a CR90 means that you can consistently do damage even if you only have one red from the side or two red from the front. This also makes Akbar less necessary.

Four A-wings is an ideal squadron screen, especially with CR-90s. There were times that I did a Squadron command just so I could move an A-Wing to tie up a cluster of squadrons or get a black die against a ship.

Edited by comatose

It was a great game Mike! :) . Very tense and filled with some grandiose excitement! Well played and excellent maneuvering on admonition.

And...using lando to save from a y wing was the best part of the game :) . Hahah!

Thanks much for coming to play!

I don't think I can thank Mike enough for getting this together! This weekend was the most fun I've had involving Armada to date. Here's some of the awesome things I experienced:

1. Getting to play five games against five very good opponents from four different states.

2. Being the only player(as far as I know) using Rieekan out of the 43 people present.

3. Seeing the reaction of most of my opponents when they found out I was using Rieekan in my fleet! :huh:

4. My game against Mike McMann being so tense that I had no appetite for lunch afterward.

5. Being able to have very good discussions about how the games went and ways we can learn after each game. Most players in my hometown are fairly new, so it's nice to get great in-depth feedback on how my fleet and gameplay went.

6. All the awesome people I was able to meet this weekend. Seriously, you Armada players are some of the coolest people I've ever been around.

7. Family Time Games. I think everyone in that tournament could see the incredible effort Shane went through to get this tournament ready(I'm almost positive he built every table used to game on. There are at least 28-30 very well constructed tables to game on in the store). So thank you, Shane. I will be back!

Thanks for coming Nick! It was an awesome game!! :) I was drenched in sweat afterwards! hahaha!

I really appreciate you and the others coming to participate! I will definitely travel to your area for the next tournament! ;)


What fleet won the tourney$

I would try and do an AAR.... But as my opponents the first day can attest... I was a little out of it... No sleep and lots of stress kind of... Mess you up. Lol

The winner was a double ISD bomber ish...

I actually have the list. Ill post a full breakdown of scores and lists this week. ;)

Still recovering...literally...hehe..

The winner was a double ISD bomber ish...I actually have the list. Ill post a full breakdown of scores and lists this week. ;)Still recovering...literally...hehe..

I actually have the list. Ill post a full breakdown of scores and lists this week. ;)

I'm looking forward to that...I didn't get to look at other lists much since almost all my games went to time.

I had a great time and really appreciate all the hard work it took to put it together! It was great meeting so many other Armada players.

I actually played against the winning list for my 3rd match. It was my only loss of the tournament, and it was a complete blowout at 9-1. It would have been 10-0, but Demolisher (da real mvp) was able to kill his Motti ISDII on the last turn of the game before turning into space dust to join the rest of my fleet in the afterlife. It's a good list, and even if I was able to replay the match knowing what I know now, I think the best I could hope for would be a 6-4 or 7-3 loss. I knew going into the tournament that a fleet like his would tear mine up, and just accepted my fate.

Here is a pic: D67ex1Z.jpg

It's not the greatest view, but I was so into all my games and my friends' games that this was actually the only pic I took the whole tournament. Face has been censored out of respect for privacy.

Edited by ThatAsianKid1

Link broke? What was the winning list?

Link broke? What was the winning list?

Fixed it. And the winning list was an ISD I and ISD II with Motti and a plethora of bombers and advanced ties plus Rhymer, Mauler, and Vader. The list itself is nothing to complicated, but I can tell you that every move was carefully calculated and my opponent deserved to win that match. He's intimidating to face, but one day, I hope to provide him with a bigger challenge.

Nice to hear a 2 ship count can win an event.

I am still shocked we haven't gotten a real AAR from anyone on this large tournament, just a couple of short posts so far.

I don't know about the others...but I am still recovering..hehe... ;)

I am not the best at AAR production value, but I will type mine up