50 Person, 2 Day Tournament, Indianapolis, IN

By mikemcmann, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Excellent !

Thanks for reservation and excitement! It's going to be fun! :)

I'm going to do this. Just a matter of arrangements. Looks like a rental and 10 hours of my time are cheaper than a round trip flight.

If anybody is coming from the eastern seaboard, hit me up. I may have a seat or two in the rental.


If people arrive on Friday, I may schedule a get together. Maybe a meet and greet (and drink maybe). ;)

As we get closer , I'll take a poll of attendees and we can have a fleet admiral pre battle banquet of sorts :)

Dang it, something like this, in my own backyard?

I've got to take advantage of this. Great to see this happening at a really sweet new game store in Indianapolis!

Man this looks awesome. Wish I could budget the trip and time off work. Will you be streaming games on Twitch?

Thanks! Trying to make it a stellar event! :)

My wife uses a thing called "periscope" for live video which allows the viewers to "participate" and make comments, etc. I might use that or some other method. Gonna have one of my techs figure it out ;)

If something changes, come on out! :)

We are at 35% full in four days! Tickets are going fast ;)

Whelp. That Eventbrite purchase just happened.

Time to start figuring out how to put together a list that won't be an easy win for everyone who plays me. ;)


Thanks for joining! :) . We are filling up fast!

I just signed up along with two of my buddies. We are really excited - thanks for putting this together!

Bought a ticket...representing Ann Arbor, MI. Should be fun, look forward to seeing you all there :)

Awesome fellas! Thanks for signing up! :)

It's turning into quite a representative group from all reaches!

Based on current numbers and steady increase, we'll be filled by January! :)

If you have any buddies that are on the fence, I'd recommend snagging a slot before its full! ;)


After the Christmas splurge we are at 30 players!

Reserve your spot before the 26th of January for the special perk!

After new year, I'll post some more of the cool prize support coming! :)

Totally signing up for this. But. Might have to back out. Depends on when step daughter goes into labor.... Lol

Great! (And child birth is an allowed excuse!). :)

Thanks for joining up! Just a few more to max out the field!

Curious if I would be allowed to bring my ship docks and trays for my business?


Maybe the store owner can stock some for ya ;)

Ps as long as there's no IP issues that Disney will send storm troopers for to shut us down .. Haha... :)

Awesome dude! I look forward to meeting you!

If transport from the airport is an issue, I'm sure I can arrange something. We're just a short hop from the airport to the game site.


Were you able to get rates on hotels?

Glad you'll be there. Btw, I'm calling you out for at least one game. Lol

As long as I can make it.

Hi everyone!

Shaping up to be a full event. Down to the last 8 spots. If you were on the fence but would like to participate, I'd recommend snagging a ticket. While you could theoretically show up the day of to play, we have a hard limit of 50 players. So if we have all 50 taken by then it'll be full. Just a heads up.

We have a fun addition attending the tournament also! I'll leave it as a surprise, but suffice to say it will help everyone immerse into the Star Wars universe! :)

Still gathering some prize support (in addition to all the entry fees) and efforting making it "officially" a championship. I'm sure FFG will hook us up since it's such a large event.

Thanks for all the support and I'm excited to see so many players from around the country (and other countries!) ;)

One last aside, I will be the primary judge. I will NOT play unless we have a last minute drop to make uneven numbers. I will just be a filler and not participating as such in the tourney. I just hate "byes" and will be there only to avoid that. Speaking to judging, if there is anyone that does not want to play but would like to "participate" in an official judge capacity, I will happily provide some "loot" for that individual. ;) . With 50 players I'd love to have at least one extra judge and maybe even a second.

Also, please remember there is a bonus for those that email their fleet lists before one week out from the tourney. As well as a bonus for those that sign up for the tourney by January 26

Hailing frequencies close :)



Do you want those list submissions sent to the Hotmail address in the first post?

If so, really? Hotmail? Is it 1998, man? ;)

Hahahaha! Yes, that's it :)

I got that email in, like, '93 when I was getting my first degree. I'm just SUPER lazy and all my crap for like 20 some years is attributed to it...hehe..

Plus...it's my name and all and easy to give to people :)

So, yep- just email them at your leisure and I'll mark them sent and secure your bonus! :)


I am going to be getting you my list early. Just have to try it out. No time yet.

Also, I would like to toss in some prize support. A 5-pack of ship docks, including one upgraded to a flagship dock. If you'd like. :-D

You are awesome man!!

Super kind of you! I'll add it to the list of cool prizes :)

I don't think I'll be able to do this. Had some unexpected expenses pop up, so I just don't think I'll be able to swing the trip out.

It's a shame... Looks like it's going to be awesome!

So sorry dude!

If something changes, let me know. There's always a last minute drop or two in large tournamemts...so there might be a spot if ya change yer mind :)

Also, if lodging and such is an issue, maybe a fellow traveler is looking for a room mate? ;)

So sorry dude!

If something changes, let me know. There's always a last minute drop or two in large tournamemts...so there might be a spot if ya change yer mind :)

Also, if lodging and such is an issue, maybe a fellow traveler is looking for a room mate? ;)

It's funny... Flights and renting a car are about the same cost. But the lodging, even if I looked for a different hotel, it doubles my expenses. I would consider going in on a suite if others are doing the same. Feel free to message me.