Can someone please help me understand power counters, specifically Data Raven?

By DoccSampson, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

Hey everyone.

I'm new to Netrunner. I've only played a couple of games but I liked it so much I had to get the core set and a couple of Data Packs.

However, as much as I've studied the game and understand deckbuilding strategies, I can't wrap my head around the power counter instructions.

Take Data Raven, because I am building a NBN deck focused on tagging and laying traps. I understand the first text on this card. The second text however says "Hosted Power Counter: Give the runner 1 tag". What does this refer to and in an example of play, how would this be played and triggered.

The third text reads "Trace-3: If successful place one power counter on Data Raven". In this, I understand that to mean when the runner encounters this subroutine, if he does not break it, I place a token on Data Raven. Again, in an example of play, what would I use that token for and how would I use it?

Thanks for your help.

This structure is

Cost : Effect

So as a paid ability (unless a click cost is involved, then it's an action), you can pay the cost to gain the effect.

So with Data Raven, as a paid ability, you can spend a power token/counter (if you have one on it) to give the runner a tag.

Say the runner runs through Data Raven, takes the tag, and fails to break the trace, giving you a counter. After the run he pays $2 to remove his tag.

On your turn, you remove the counter to give the runner a tag and then double Scorch him. Boom.

Edited by Grimwalker

Abilities like Data Raven's

Hosted Power Counter ​: Give the runner 1 tag​

are called Paid Abilities, and are written in the format of

Cost : Effect

What that means is that you pay the thing on the left to do the thing on the right. So if Data Raven has a hosted power counter, you spend it (remove the counter) to tag the runner. A tagged runner is susceptible to having their resources trashed, and to a number of unpleasant cards such as Closed Accounts or Scorched Earth. You can do this at multiple times during the turn; see the 'Timing Structure of a Turn' and 'Timing Structure of a Run' charts in the most recent FAQ for the up-to-date rules on exactly when they can be used.

I would also make sure you understand the Trace mechanic, as failing to break the subroutine on Data Raven doesn't guarantee a power counter - the Runner might win the Trace by increasing their Link value to equal or higher than the Trace value (in which case the trace is unsuccessful and no counter would be placed).