Okay, so I know I've even whined about it, but I think I'll ask, does the book, core or NP, ever actually give some rules for duration of travel in the void (read: realspace)? I'm not really sure how fast a cruiser, a raider, or a whatever have you might actually be able to move, when it isn't using the reality-defying powers of the warp to circumvent distance. I like Damaris, so I'll use it. When you arrive at the Forsellis System, I presume that the earliest "safe" warp-exit point is still on the outside of the Frozen Reaches. In that case, you'd have to travel 4 million km through the ice, gravity tides, asteroids, and whatever else just to reach the edge of the system, Pluto, if you will. Then, if it's anything like our solar system (if those have "standards"), travel another 5.5 billion km to Mars, which is Damaris, in this example. How long is the "typical" solar system sojourn? I know I've complained about "just being there" when important events just happen to occur, because to hear about it elsewhere, and arrive, would take months, but how long would it take to reach Damaris, from its outer system edge, were you in hurry, or just going to get cargo? Could outside help, in the case of the adventure, in question, even possibly arrive in time? I'm not with my books, at the moment, but the Internet says I can ask you all.
Travel in the Void
It sounds like you want the "Operating Within a System" sidebar on page 18 of Stars of Inequity, which covers the time it takes for a ship to travel from a typical Warp translation arrival point to various parts of a system.
Hope that helps!
This has been hashed out many times on these forums but I'll give you my take: The RT core book states that a voidship typically takes approximately two weeks time to reach jump point (Or back from). Since the rules give the max acceleration in terms of G's we get the following: Transit time from Holy Terra to the edge of the Kuiper belt (Pluto's orbit) takes 14 days at 1G acceleration/deceleration. Mathmatically this works out pretty close! Since the equation is actually exponential, you can reduce that time to 3.5 days by bumping your thrust up to 2G's. Unfortunately, Over distances that far, you cant bump it up much more than that since your Vmax would be superluminal.
Hope this helps!
Thank you both very much. I was sort of wondering, when I couldn't check, how travel time to distance to supplies might work out. My cruiser in question goes about 3.5 G, so what I'm imagining as a "typical" solar system (ours), they'd get out of the solar system pretty quickly. Very nice to know. Also happy that you gave me numbers, Rad, as the SoI entry keeps it at weeks, and doesn't really discuss how they got there, or what one can do to knock it down a peg. Still, official sources and legitimate math are both quite helpful.
I'm sure that I saw somewhere that the maximum speed is limited to 1% of the speed of light .
With this limitation , with constant 1G acceleration up to 3*10^6 m/s , starting from the Earth orbit at a speed of 0 to Pluto's aphelion it will take 724 hours or 30 days (rounded).
I'd assume the time can be cut down by using things like gravity slingshots and gravity assisted breaking, perhaps a a simple formula like degrees in successes on a piloting roll x acceleration in gravities = number of days you take off the time taken.
So a ship with a max acceleration of 2G with a voidmaster who rolled 3 degrees of successes would shave six days off the standard 30 day trip.