New to 3rd please.

By biotronik, in WFRP Rules Questions

Hello everyone, I know i'm late to the game as they say. I just recently took advantage of the Holiday Sale at FFG and bought my first 3rd edition books.

I have:

Players Guide

Players Vault

Creatures Guide

Creatures Vault

GM's Tookkit

Which brings me to a few questions. If I purchase, Gamemaster's Guide, Gamemaster's Vault, Players Vault and Dice will I have to buy the Core Set?

Do the Vault's come with the same goodies from the Core Set?

The Toolkit's are just new goody expansions right?

Thank you for any help.

I think i just found an article that explains most of what i just asked...

Welcome Biotronik.

Better late than never as they say but it's a great game which linger on in the hearts and minds of us faithful followers even if not in the hearts and minds of FFG anymore.

But stick around the forums and there's a few of us still around. I like to think the quality of us WFRP fans more than makes up for the lack of quantity ;) lol

Yeah, the quality of our griping just can't be beat.

Welcome to the party. All the booze is gone and there's only the burnt deformed snacks that look like penises left, but we've managed to ferment our own booze and we're roasting a racoon over a fire, so while we're here, the party continues.

Edited by Crazy Aido
But stick around the forums and there's a few of us still around. I like to think the quality of us WFRP fans more than makes up for the lack of quantity ;) lol

True that. Only the most hardened and zealous WFRP3 fans are still left :P

But seriously, if you have any questions (and you will) these forums will give you some really good answers.

Edited by Ralzar

But seriously, if you have any questions (and you will) these forums will give you some really good answers.

Not necessarily the right answers but they'll still be pretty good. (Or at least we like to think they are because we think we're funny bastards.

Thanks guys, I received and email from FFG that they are reprinting the Core Set and Dice...hope that indicates SOME support in the coming months.

I have not roleplayed in oh....25 or 30 years now. Wow, has it been that long. My wife along with some cousins have showed some (slight) interest in it and that was all I needed. The only RPG stuff that I still own are all the old WFRP books but I thought that the new system looked very interesting. And since my party has never roleplayed before I thought that all the new components looked like it might entice them since we play a lot of newer board games.

Thanks for the support again. You will probably get more questions from the WFRP3rd edition noob.

Hello to you all.

I too am new to the 3rd edition of the game and over the past few months I have been buying up the odd bargain off ebay etc. In the new year I am planning on running some 3rd ed at my local roleplaying group. I love this version, the look of it and the difference to other RPGs is great.

Im glad to see that there is still life on this forum and hopefully some old heads who i will be able to bounce problems I encounter off of..

Greetings again


WFRP3 is actually a GREAT system for introducing noobies to RPGs. Most other systems very easily get too filled with math calculations and numbers, while WFRP3 works more with colour coding.

Tip for character creation: Go through the player action cards and pick out som fitting cards for different kinds of characters. If each player has to look at every **** card in the stack it will take for ever to make characters. And they won't know the system, so they won't make informed decisions anyway.

Edited by Ralzar

On of the liber fanaticas has a pretty good supplement with a lot of basic characters pre-built. While you might want to put in a certain amount of customisation, I think it'll allow you a general idea of what each character should have, especially as regards actions and talents.

Also, I would recommend Runeslinger's youtube vids for Star Wars: Edge of the Empire. The dice mechanics are slightly different (only a bit) but he does an excellent job talking about how to tell stories with the dice. Quite a few vids to explore.

Thank you everyone, I only have a few more items to get and will start putting together my campaign. Getting excited! Any suggestions for beginning adventuress/campaigns from FFG? Is there any kind of order that would be good to follow? I don't know a lot of the rules yet but I'm guessing that the modules/adventures/campaigns can work at any career level?


Most adventures can be modified to fit any career rank. Most adventures however have a suggested rank for the player characters, so if the characters are of higher or lower rank you should be prepared to modify the difficulty of the adventure.

When I started GMing we started off with An Eye for an Eye (from the core book) and continued into The Gathering Storm. Then we played through a Horror at Hugeldal (from Signs of Faith) and lastly we did the Edge of Night. That order worked well, all those adventures take place around Ubersreik. We could probably have moved into Hero's Call (if that had been released at the time).

Stringing all published adventures for WFRP together might be hard though and would require some work as characters will definitly be higher rank than suggested in the adventures. Some modifications would need to be made so the adventures does not become to easy.

The WFRP adventure I've probably liked the most is the one in Winds Of Magic. But I played it as a one-off. It's not naturally conductive to be tied in with the other published adventures.

There is also the "Enemy Within" campaign. But I haven't got a chance to run it myself, so can't speak to its quality.

Most new groups start with "An Eye for an Eye" which is published in the Core Box and the GM guide. Our group did and it worked pretty well. Allthough like most advenutres it sort of lacked a good motivator for the characters in the group to stay together (This is an old gripe of mine: You very easily wind up with a group of player characters that you can't understand why are sticking together and the adventures seldom give any kind of motivator for it.)

Gathering Storm is kind of a mini campaign, so starting with Eye for an Eye and then moving into Gathering Storm will showcase most aspects of the game. So that might be a great way to start (it worked well for our group).

Later we actually did a playthrough of published adventures where we covered all we had "missed" in our previous adventures. With rotating GMs we ran through these, in the order below:

  • Crimson Rain (from Omens of War)
  • Harrower of Thanes (from Black Fire Pass)
  • Winds of Change (from Winds of Magic)
  • The Edge of Night (from the box with the same name)
  • The Art of Waaaagh! (from Hero's Call)

That worked well to play through without modification. I can agree with Ralzar that Winds of Change was a blast, probably one of the better adventures for WFRP3ed of the above.

The Enemy Within we have played about 1/3 of, which has taken us 16 sessions to do, and we're having a blast with it. I'm guessing it will take us about 40-50 sessions in total to finish all in all. But it's quite a complex campaign, so I'd recommend running through some other adventures and learning the system before starting it (with new characters).

I usually start a group on Eye for an Eye and then dump them in whatever other horrible nasty situation I can contrive afterwards.

I am also late to the game, looks like I missed that sale also. Can you just use the PDF versions of the books to play or do the hardcover books come with cards that are needed to play? I do see that the core set it at the printer, but from what I understand that is from 1-4 players and if you have more you need to books?

The dice seem impossible to find anywhere, I found a couple homemade apps, and there is a IOS toolkit page here, but that app does not appear to be on the app store.

You can get a good chunk of the books in PDF format on DrivethruRPG.


Yeah, you can pretty much run the game with the associated PDF's and so forth.

Great to see continued interest. My group is still playing and enjoying it. We were just chatting last session how we've been "spoiled" now and can't go back to games you have to check books every 2nd turn or do lots of math etc etc.

The designers don't lecture about it but they incorporated a fair bit of theory that has developed since early RPG days.

If you haven't found them, check out the resources collected at

Count Dimon's summary of rules version 6 is a particularly fantastic set of cheat sheets to have handy (e.g., when a PC advances and has to pick specialities, pull that out and presto all choices on one page).

In terms of adventures:

Eye for an Eye is a good adventure. It's "got a lot going on" if you're a new GM.

Gathering Storm is a nice tour of warhammer classic foes. Its villain is a little obvious and I suggest using the adventure's own suggestions of picking an alternate 'true villain'. I used it as the starting adventure in my first campaign after my PC's played a converted version of Rough Night at Three Feathers on the way there.

Enemy Within was my second campaign's starting point, it has some added character-creation options that are narratively and mechanically cool (so cool I make players spend 1 Creation Point to use any of them, they're still a bargain), the narrative portion is specific to this campaign but is a good template to use (e.g., for any group starting any campaign, each Player has a couple of questions to answer that connects their PC to other PCs and a couple that connect them to upcoming plot lines). Like most adventures it has a rule or two embedded in it. There are some play aids for it which I developed and which can be sent on request.

Winds of Change's adventure is a fun investigative one, and also gives a nice "clock template" to use during investigative adventures generally to ration actions across a day.

I didn't realise The enemy within did that with the players and plot lines. From the live play I listened to, I thought it was just built into the pre-gens. I would highly recommend going that route (having a bit of pre-history between characters) before starting any adventure in any ruleset. It'll add some cohesion to the group right away and you can skip the contrived "you meet in a bar". I'd do that over focusing on personal motivations or side stories. We've seen the side stories in a couple of our campaigns and for the bit they add they seem to derail the adventure and split the party more than it's worth. Each of those side stories tends to take a few hours, which is a chunk of time when you have a wife and family and can't sit for six hours, once a week.

I'd second Crazy's suggestion that after the first adventure you set them on their own path. You'll have a good idea of what the players are interested after that.

Edited by kidkraken

Some quick notes:

Pretty much everything released for WFRP had some important rules in the text and some important rules in component (meaning you need the physical product) form.

Core Box:

This is the best thing you can get for the game, if you can find it. It's got everything you need to play a full game with 3 players and 1 GM. The only things missing for having extra players are a set of action cards (which you can print a set of from right here: ) and a little flimsy cardboard tuckbox to put character bits into. You'll only have one of each kind of action card, but it's already sort of an unofficial rule that players never have the same actions or talents as each other. Also, if you get up to having 6 or more players, you may find that you run low on action cards for everyone to pick from or wounds to use. Other sets will add more cards to bulk up your decks with, but it's pretty easy to proxie out cards for players as you need them.

Adventurers Toolkit:

This has no associated PDF and is all just components and acts as a sort of unofficial "4th player" expansion. It includes an extra copy of all the player action cards, as well as some pretty awesome new careers (including ratcatcher, the Pro-Est choice of career you can make). This is a great buy if you can find it.

Winds of Magic/Signs of Faith:

These expansions have associated PDFs that can be purchased. These PDFs will include some new gameplay rules (but are missing the components used for them) as well as providing full listings of NPCs and Monsters.

Winds of Magic physical components include new careers relating to magic, new options for wizard characters, and the components used for corruption and mutation. The PDF adds to the rules on corruption and lists some items and other special rules to be used for wizards. It also has a bunch of stuff about Tzeench and his followers.

Signs of Faith includes new careers relating to religion, new options for priest characters, and the components used for catching diseases. The PDF adds to the rules on diseases, as well as listing healing items and rules and so on for priests. It also has a bunch of stuff about Nurgle and his followers.

GameMasters ToolKit

This has a kind of crappy GM's screen (just tape over one of the better ones from Gitzman's Gallery), and a book with pretty good advice for using the components and some house rules. The book comes in PDF (I think). There are also "party sheets" for different NPC groups that the players may face. Also has some item and location cards.

Player's Guide/GM's Guide

These two books are basically improved rewrites of the rules (look here to find the differences they have between the rules from the core box: ). They also include non-physical component versions of all the careers, actions, talents, conditions, items, locations, and other stuff I'm probably forgetting. This includes the stuff from the Adventurers Toolkit, Signs of Faith, and Winds of Magic (maybe also the stuff from Gamemasters Toolkit). This means that using a Players Guide and GMs guide, you can play WFRP with almost all of the previously released content without using components. However, some of the special rules from the books included in Signs of Faith and Winds of Magic are not included (these are mostly the special extra rules for wizards and priests, and they WOULD be included in the PDFs of those games.

Players Vault/GMs Vault

These are reprints of most of the components from the core set. The biggest difference is that it will have a lot fewer dice than the core set.

Creatures Guide/Creatures Vault

The guide will give listings of a bunch of creatures, including some repeats from the core box set. It also has advice on using creatures and some optional rules. The creatures vault will have a bunch of cardboard standups for monsters in the creatures guide. It also introduces action cards for monsters similar to how players have action cards, as well actual cards with monster stats on them. These components cover monsters and NPCs from the Core Box Set, Signs of Faith (only the action cards and monster cards; Signs came with Standups already), Winds of Magic (same deal as with Signs of Faith), and The Gathering Storm adventure (same deal as with Signs and Winds). It should also be noted that some of the rules printed on the creature cards aren't explained without either having to reference another creature card with the rules printed on it or referencing the Creatures Guide. Buying the PDF will give you almost all of the rules, except for some Party Sheet cards for NPCs that are included in the Creatures Vault.

Everything past this point will not be able to fully be used with just a PDF. They will all include some kind of components that aren't listed out in the book. You will need the physical product to get the full use out of them. This even includes the adventures, which can be run without the physical parts, but may have some rules to be used with the adventure missing because they're only listed on a component.

Again thank you to everyone. You have all been very helpful with your information and time. Now just a bit of reading and I will be ready...well, after the reprint of the Core Set arrives! "Its on the boat!"

Edited by biotronik