The first Inquistor we met was actually very good at his job and pretty skilled as well. More then enough to handle most partially trained padawans and untrained force users he would run into. Master Jedi usually were dealt with by Vader or Mercenaries who used cheats to win or you could just toss a small army of storm troopers at them until they died. Inquistors aren't meant to fight fully trained Jedi and win just hold them in place long enough to send in something from above to deal with it. Ezra is much stronger in the force then his master just in terms of talent and probably would become a master if he can survive long enough he isn't as strong as Luke or Anakin or even Rei probably on the same level as Kylo Ren aka Poseur Vader
I always thought that an Inquisitor would be the bad guy that you have to run from..... or I learned that the hard way because one of my pc's paralyzed my Inquisitor from the neck down.