Vehicle Prices

By Mupf, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions


If my question was asked before I am sorry but a quick search gave no results.

As far as I have understood you pay with your influence not with money anymore (Dh second edition).

And I like it that you can hire guns to help you.

The vehicles are also nice described but I cannot find prices.

How much costs for example a chimera?

Maybe I am blind but I cannot find a section that says anything about prices.

How do you handle the situation?

Thx in advance


The vehicle profiles list an Availability, though it is abbreviated (ER for Extremely Rare, for example).

Which kind of makes sense -- you don't really get a Chimaera IFV at a car dealership, but rather threaten and cajole some local garrison commander into providing assistance via Influence. ;)

In my Gelt system, all vehicles cost ten times the usual price for an item of that category; your Extremely Rare item costs 100,000 gelt as a base (so, a Good quality Boltgun, for example). Your Chimera would cost 1,000,000 gelt, as vehicles cost more due to materials and technology required. That doesn't include the weapons either. So yes, if you were rich enough, you could buy a Chimera... But that'd basically be a mission of its own, trying to scrounge up the cash AND locate someone willing to sell it to you and convince them you're worth it.

While the PCs could Requisition a Chimera instead, that vehicle would not belong to them; it'd be either the property of whoever is loaning it, or the Inquisition's, merely being in their care for the time being.

Which kind of makes sense -- you don't really get a Chimaera IFV at a car dealership, but rather threaten and cajole some local garrison commander into providing assistance via Influence. ;)

Yeah like I said in the beginning I assume influence is to be used.

But do you really take the same costs for a chimera like for a small weapon just because they have the same availability?

For me it feels wrong.

I hoped that I had overread some rules but I will use MijRai's approach and just take a multiplier for the influence cost based on the availability.

Well, I'd say it depends on the type of the small weapon. Ultimately, we need to keep in mind that Influence doesn't directly equate to monetary value. We may be used to things having an average price, but in a setting without a true monetary economy (no Imperial currency means inter-system trade runs entirely via barter), it all comes down to supply and demand, rather than production value.

For example, a garrison commander may be more willing to part with one of his or her hundred Chimaeras than one of the fifty plasma guns they have in the armoury, simply because the former are easier to replace, and are possibly even produced locally.

I'm not saying the RAW must always be the best way to do it, though, and there are many things I would change myself. If you feel a Chimaera should be harder to get, adjust those values. It's your game!

Edited by Lynata

Which kind of makes sense -- you don't really get a Chimaera IFV at a car dealership,

Maybe on Cadia...

Which kind of makes sense -- you don't really get a Chimaera IFV at a car dealership, but rather threaten and cajole some local garrison commander into providing assistance via Influence. ;)

Yeah like I said in the beginning I assume influence is to be used.

But do you really take the same costs for a chimera like for a small weapon just because they have the same availability?

For me it feels wrong.

I hoped that I had overread some rules but I will use MijRai's approach and just take a multiplier for the influence cost based on the availability.

Well this is in a setting in wich certain grenades (Vortex for example) and ammo can be as expensive as a spaceship!

I like Lynn's example of the chimera vs plasmagun. Also (like lynn said) It's your game!

Thx Lynata. It is a good example how needs and availability can change a price.

But at some points I would love some more guild lines from the system.

My fantasy is big but not endless and I would appreciate some more rules or hints.

(Maybe some one from fantasy flight games read this.... *hint*) ;)

But okay it is not given so my group has to live with my random prices ^^ GM Power!

Thx for the feedback!

It should be said that most PDF's use chimeras, you could always just go "borrow" one. While Influence does cover this, role-playing out going to get one is more fun.