I am just starting the planning for next weekends scenario.
I am thinking about having a massive ground attack scenario where one of the sides will have soldiers moving from the trenches and over no mans land. If they reach the enemy trenches and the aircrafts have strafed the machine gun nests and supporting artillery the will take over the trench, I am thinking about having 2 trenches to take for them. Once they own the first new troops will spawn at that trench and try to break the second one.
If the second second trench is taken to wins the attackers. However will the defenders try to kill storming soldiers and stop the attacking side from bombing the artillery and machinegun nest. If the second line is unbreached after 4 hours of gaming have the defenders won.
The game will take place in October 1917 (I will make a Cambrai tank scenario for November). Each side will place the same number of planes on the ground as they themselves are, to use as backup planes if they lose something.
The sides will have Access to the following planes (and I am not sure what planes the players themselves have, at least 3 Camels and 2 SE5As. The central powers have at least 1 Dreidecker, 1 Pfalz DIII and some old Albatross DIII):
1 Sopwith Camel
1 SE5A
1 Spad XIII
2 Sopwith Pup
1 Breuget B2 (heavy bomber with one engine)
1 RE8 (and I know that at least 1 player owns one)
1 DH4
Central Powers:
3 Fokker DrI
1 Pfalz DIII
2 Albatross DVa
1 Halberstadt CLII (2 seater specially made for ground attacks, but it is ok in dogfights too, about the same size as a Albatross)
1 AEG GIV (2 engines heavy bomber)
1 Gotha GIV
I also have some older planes if we get more players without their own planes, I hope for at least 8 players, preferably 10.
The heavy bombers will have a bonus to bomb artillery and anti air defense (defenders will also have 4 heavy anti aircrafts guns and 2 light. The Halberstedt will get a bonus on strafing. The allies is usually 50% french, 1 RNAS and the rest RFC, sometimes we have even more french. Also have the allies 2 Aces, germany have just a guy with 4 victories. We will flip a coin to decide who will attack.
You guys have any ideas of stuff to add to the scenario, or any other coments?
We had a lot of bombing scenarios before but I want something different. Particulary the germans were a lot into ground attacks and a scenario with moving targets will probably feels like a fresh wind compared to bombing, balloon busting and dogfights.